
Probably cress
Either, depends on the main course

Mia Farrow
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Soderbergh, of course (Fincher's great too but he's no fucking Soderbergh)
Vittorio Storaro
Can't say either certainly because I need to listen to U2 more to gauge that but right now I'd say Achtung Baby

What a stupid question man Coke (I don't hate Pepsi but Coke is too nice)
Chips Ahoy! if I had to
Cool Ranch but Spicy Sweet Chili is the ideal
Neither, Froot Loops are less bad because they don't have those disgusting marshmallows
Milk Chocolate
Depends on my appetite completely but for most companies outputs I'd

Audrey, and my 3 gigabytes of pictures can attest to that

Tea every step of the way. I'm brewing some mint rose tea as we speak/type.

I've seen so little Keaton that I can't give a fair answer but Chaplin is so fucking sick
Margaret Dumont

Movies, flicks, pictures, Scooby Doovies


Hey, at least there's Greenaway and Makavejev right next to 'em.
I've enjoyed all of Anderson's film and I haven't seen BOTTLE ROCKET or FANTASTIC MR. FOX but FRANCES HA just hit me in all the right places and after my first viewing I watched it four more times within the next three days or so. I'd consider most of

No one's answering my Noise/Harsh Noise/Harsh Noise Wall questions is what the fuck's going on

Godard is better than everybody but Antonioni
Welles, let's not get into my relationship with Kubrix films
I've only seen FRANCES HA from Baumbach but I like it more than all of Wes Anderson's films

To even compare ROBOCOP and CHILDREN OF MEN is wrong because it assumes the latter is worth seeing

His experimentation with sounds in LOST and how much his music and sounds were a part in creating the atmosphere of the show (probably still my vote for GOAT show, I can't commit to it being True Detective due to the extreme difference in quality of the two currently existing seasons, if it were only season 1 it

Ore, especially if it's bulbous
Ornithologist, philatelist, philanthropist
Four Scoratory
Pls respond

Jean-Luc Godard or François Truffaut?
Kelly Reichardt or Todd Haynes?
Michelangelo Antonioni or Andrei Tarkovsky?
L'Avventura or L'Eclisse?
The Passenger or Blow-up?
Made in U.S.A or 2 or 3 Things I Know About Her?
As I Lay Dying or Child of God (the James Franco adaptations)?
Catherine Ribeiro or Nico (post-Chelsea

Obviously, though I have a collection of lord/saviors he's high on the list

Kinda off actually
Of course, why would you question Mourinho aka the GOAT?

I'm a day late but Lindelof is fucking great and his reputation is one of the most annoying things I've encountered

Refn is one of the GOATs
Michael Giacchino

John Coltrane
Bob Dylan
George Clinton
Neither but Muddy Waters seems alright
The Knife bro give me a real question
I take it back this question is too hard but ultimately I am confident it is Sunn O)))