
I discovered him through Oneohtrix Point Never's R Plus 7, the album cover of which is a frame from Le ravissement de Frank N. Stein

Hey everybody, I just got back from seeing The Tribe (which is one way to top off a day of seeing both Breathless and W.R.: Mysteries of the Organism for the first time). Here, briefly, are some of my thoughts about it:

I've always been a fan of Senses of Cinema.

In my experience its use as a negative/comedic with negative intent term comes from those who say "art film" or "arthouse" as a derogatory descriptor.

I recall immediately following you back because I deduced from what I could see that you got to my page through a logging or review of Georges Schwizgebel when I was re-watching all of his work earlier this year

I'm glad to see some Antonioni love (and a Reichardt film, woohoo!)! Last Year at Marienbad is in my top ten too, it's hard to believe it even exists. Seeing that Resnais is one of your favorite directors I'll have to watch more of his films. I've got to see Godard's work too, I've only seen Tout va bien and Letter to

Have you listened to the commentary with Jonathan Rosenbaum and Mehrnaz Saeed-Vafa that's on the Criterion disc? If not I highly recommend it; it might be my favorite commentary.

I've only seen Certified Copy and Close-up by Kiarostami and they're two of my favorite films so I wouldn't be surprised if I dig on him even further the more I see.

Cool! I'll archive this post so I can swim through this period more efficiently. Thank you for this.

I usually try to do a director's work chronologically to some degree but each Allen period looks to be unique enough that this isn't necessary (and I already know many of his greatest influences and how they influence him so that combined with the former removes the usual reason I watch chronologically). Thanks for

I've got it open constantly but I was doing a lot of reading of articles so I didn't see this yet. Judge my tastes!


That's very interesting because Nostalghia was my first Tarkovsky and Tout va bien was my first (currently only) Godard. Both are among my favorite films.

It's the first one I saw of his and is one of my favorite films. That said, I've been ambivalent towards all else I've seen of his (Solaris most of all).

Season 1 (which was pretty good) is a pile of shit compared to this season so far.

I've got 409 (joined in March) so I guess I should slow down

That's really great, I love the collage-like feeling the drawings have while still looking like complete things rather than an assemblage of different things.

The Academy has unofficially declared war on Canada.

MVPs (that's a pretty messy way of saying it but this is all whimsical so just Let It Be)
1. Maria Sharapova/Rachel McAdams
2. Juliett Binoche
3. Pollie Fallory/Lorraine Rainer
4. Monica Vitti
5. Alison Brie/some other people but I don't want to continue to do this to myself