So, the Game Of Thrones Score currently is:
So, the Game Of Thrones Score currently is:
He does not look like he needs to gain favour with Sansa. He may keep Aryan as a backup just in case Sansa end up dead or Tyrion go back to get her. He may have some feeling for her, but he ultimately have feeling for Winterfell.
I was about to say that it looked way more mesoamerican than egyptian. But that's just the archtecture which is mayan, the clothings, furniture and makeup are all very arabic.
where was Bronn that whole time? Also wouldn't Cersei go for Jaime as well? I don't think he will take part on this fight between his two beloved siblings. But if it would save Tyrion's life, maybe he would fight Loras, the only awesome knight on the room that would take the side of the queen(s) on that, because Ser…
Yeah, I know that. Also, that scene is also brilliant in that. We know he is supposed to be fighting Cersei because of the laws in Westeros etc BUT his look to his father in that scene makes it look like he is going to kill the shit out of Tywin (which he wouldn't, of course, but he sure was going for it)
How many times will Tyrion pull the Combat-by-trial card without having to draw a sword to actually do the combat?
That episode was rushed, of course, but was one of the best directed episodes I've seen this season. There are some things Dennis pointed out, but I would like to note how well done is the dialogue (delivery, animations and text) of Bart and Lisa while he's handing her the envelope. What could be a joke ("Don't open…
Is even harsher because he actually IS a dwarf. This is Precious material
I think Tywin would probably order the death of Shae even Tyrion and her left. He promised to do that, and Tyrion was always afraid of his papa.
It took me sometime to realise the wounds and the blood in Ramsay were due to a battle and not some fun-time with that girl in his bedroom
Who can say that is not the case? I truly believed he was trying to rescue Theon the first time
How Oberyn spends his screen-time:
Huey's flanderization is in for a looong long time, but what does hurt me more is that RIley is starting to look flat in this season, what is a shame considering he was growing one of the best and more complex characters on season three. He was adorkable, I hope they don't ruin it.
Exactly, that's why it's good.
Here in Brazil, on the other hand, we usually have at least three weddings by soup. One at the first act, one with some villain (villain-villain/villain-hero) in the middle and then one in the last week
Is he dyslexic? Wow, I've never noticed.
I agree with you, I just think the disability awareness is more in the books, that is, in the "real" plot underneath it all and the showrunner did some changes on turning some of the sex scenes that in the books are consensual in rape for the TV. That's adaptation and as so is…
Little Robin is so eerie and cute awwwwnnn!
(Is he like, officially mentally disabled? He sure look like he is somewhat loony)
does it? I didn't get it.
Also, it was more about abuse, right? I mean, not just sexual abuse, look what Bran did to Hodor. Or how bad is Daenerys "taking care" of the people she "freed"
I hope she kills him, but that's unlikely.
Also, was I the only one surprised to see that Littlefinger was good in bed? I've always pictured him not just to have a small dick (c'mon, this nickname can't ONLY be a reference to his place of origin) but also somewhat impotent. Maybe because he's so frustrated about…
Thank god they skipped Lysa and Petyr's wedding. These show was starting to look like the worst mexican soap ever with those too many weddings