Antonio Marcelino

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fun: 7/10
direction: 8/10
action: 4/10
costumes: 10/10
music: 7/10
Total: 7.2/10
I don't know you, but I can see if the episode was good or not by my own standards, I just want to discuss what we saw. I don't see any point in trying to guess what's coming next or discuss the plot, especially

Does his seek for the crow have anything with the White Walkers? I don't remember seeing that, but I haven't rewatched any episode so far, so maybe they did something on this line and I've genuinely forgot.
Also, he don't need to actual enter in a battle to be helpful. He just need to sendo letter and give the right

At first, it didn't look like they could warg into magical animals. That seemed overpowered to me. But since Bran does warg into his wolf and considering that the three-eyed raven is also a magical animal with a human mind (isn't it obvious already? they should cut the mistery off), it looks like they could ONLY warg

I have to say that Bran's journey really annoys me. Does he have to go on that little mystical trip RIGHT NOW? Why don't he go with Jon to Castle Black, get some tea and biscuits, proper supper, write some letters and try to take back Winterfell then he goes up north. Doesn't look like the three-eyed raven is going

Crucify me, but I've never liked much of the typical McGrudgerish stuff on this show. His political commentaries were always naive at their best (and idealistic at their worse). He did pulled two or three good things off his sleeves, but isn't that genius. So I think his departure is maybe for the best

Is your son a psycho who was kidnapped by somekind of local drug-lord? Your poor thing…

I have to say it: Even though Norma was right about George, is hard to think there are many people in the world that have real problems of the scale and complexity of the ones she have.

Hands down, mas, you won best comment

WTF Zane's sister? Why did you promoted your henchman for saving your brother's life and then allow that same henchman to kill this exactly same brother. Make some sense, woman!

I mean, in the series continuity, not the book one.

It also add a whole new level to the nature of their relationship. It was always consensual? Even in the very beginning? Does Cersei have Stockholm Syndrome over her abusive brother?

Rape of Thrones.
Race(ism) of Thrones.

What about Norman, the Normal, when he's hanging around with some hottie by the riverside or going in a picnic with his (kinda of) friends.

I like how Normal Norman also has a murder on his hands now. It came so quickly he didn't even had the time to morph into his other persona.

To me that theory was just racist from the beginning.

I can't too. and I won't, unless I see her on her mansion with servants, good food and a beautiful view to the ocean.

I think it was a very nice touch how Richie insisted on talking to Agustín in spanish and Agustín, even understanding it, choose to answer in english all the time. It kinda of say a lot about those characters

Cody is SOOOOOOOOO small town bad girl, dark and grimy that it's not even fun to watch her

It's funny how Emma is hipster and 50s and shit on her wardrobe and yet listens to terrible mainstream pop music and yet has a lot of stickers of My Little Pony on her O2 tank. It's great because most of the characters are so visually one-dimensional (take Cody for instance, she's plain obvious) or non-dimensional at

I guess a part of the hate is because of the actress. She IS good, but she isn't no Lena Headey, that can be awesome even with nothing likeable to do