
I really want someone to hack NFL referees’ on-field communications and post the full audio. I’m like 40% sure they would find some occasional game fixing shenanigans in favor of the more popular teams.

...that’s a strangely specific thing to always have said.

My tin-hat theory is that the NFL will not allow the Lions to win until they give back the Thanksgiving game so that the NFL can have it in a bigger market. 

Don’t ‘cha mean ‘drain bamage’?

Robert Kraft: “Tonight, we are all sex offenders!!!!”

Not the Antonio Brown come back story I expected.

Five bucks says the Patriots knew about this. Five more says the Raiders didn't.

“Wait you don’t have to pay them first?”

I think I can sue AB for assault after reading that text message. It definitely gave me brain damage.

Some people enjoy eating shit too.

Are they trashmen?

Witch hunts with no evidence and wild accusations have always gone well, historically. I’m sure this one will be no different.

I wouldn’t be surprised if it was first put out as an asset flip but as it gained popularity the developers sort of swapped out for legit assets.