
lose some weight and you won’t have that problem

on a similar note, you’re a cunt

I enjoy uber, the services provided at lower fare, and for getting people home from the airport when a union tried to leave the stranded.


you’re so petty, fix that attitude man, we got room for ya when you do

it’s ok clown school, you don’t need to understand the process, successful adults are in charge now. Go back to your community organizing

enjoy your fake news bro, you’re allowed to sleep while we MAGA, clown school always needs students, we got a place for you


MAGA baby, the obvious choice for anyone who doesn’t need madona or katy perry to tell them what to think.


keep owning the internet snowflake, just stay out of the way while the adults make america great again

tell me more about who I’m talking to, my impression is I’m talking to a blowhard who things because they read a book one time their opinion is valued more than others.

tell me more about who I’m talking to, my impression is I’m talking to a blowhard who things because they read a book one time their opinion is valued more than others.

It’s kind of humorous the way you twist things in your mild to validate yourself.

don’t melt snowflake

ok now I just think you’re a damn moron. You created a completely hypothetical scenario in your head and then turn around and blame someone else for it.

lol every one of your replies is you trying to justify why you aren’t need to loosen up bud

Cool story snowflake, hank williams got fired for calling obama hiter, this isn’t the first time the opposite party has tried to pair the opposition to nazis

whew, I was worried he was the rapist - glad it’s only domestic abuse

cool, enjoy Hilary’s presidency.