
I'm 27 so I'm in the "Millennial" group, but maybe more-so on the life experience end.
At my workplace I am the youngest by probably 20 years, and I work in a very "old-school" environment (car sales) so I really notice the gap and to be honest it is hurting the dealership. They still rely on old tired marketing /

Mine had a terrible mystery leak that would leave my foot wells with about an inch of water every time it rained.... I named it "Lake Pontiac".

Theoretically could they not use a combination of mag-lev and a (obviously) modified KERS system? Not saying I have the physics chops to tackle this... but in my mind it sounds good :D

Actually, it's Toronto, so other than the truck people were wondering what had happened...

Glad to see Canada make the last two crappy Jalopnik posts...

I'm kind of down with both to be honest. It's like the rebirth of the EG6 vs AE86.
Both cars look and drive fantastically, just in their own way.

Good point. I never understood the whole marketing behind Scion (and I sell the fucking things). I think if they wanted to make more of an impact they should have stayed with the Toyota badge and pushed more for TRD (I'm speaking in the Canadian market). It seems we have next to dick all as far as TRD goes compared to

You may be being fecitious, but just in case...
FR-S: Front Rear Sport
BRZ: Boxer Rear Zenith
GT86: Gran Tourismo 86

Cheap fuckers don't even throw in a tank of gas...

I hate seeing this shit. but I will say that when it's caught justice is meted out a little more effectively. I lived in Japan for a stint and a friend of mine once beat (and I mean the living shit) out of a guy (I believe he was from the southern US, I'm not broad brushing, I just picked out his accent) at a bar who

Mario Kart? That's a bit of a stretch man.
And of course they are trained, but the core skills come from somewhere. There is training at all levels of Motorsports. All I'm saying is that I could take someone who has never driven a car, stick them on GT5 with a fairly basic setup (G27) for a while and they would be

How can you claim that there are "0 simulators on consoles"? Does the whole annual GT Academy thing not ring a bell? The competition where you compete for lap times and the top tier drivers go on to drive for Nissan... remember that? Pretty gutsy of a company to put their (quite expensive) track cars in the hands of a

Agree with the Fox. I remember watching a guy try to take a simple left turn and ended up spinning it out and facing the oncoming traffic. My Uncle also spun one onto my neighbors lawn... he was not thrilled.

Already have my door breaking boots....aaaahhhh I mean my highly polished and professional resume...? So please come to Toronto because I'm absolutely not chomping at the bit to throw my hat in the ring and talk about cars all day as I currently do...

88 All-Trac was my first! Loved that damn car... too bad the engine mounts were so badly rusted that if I had kept driving it the engine probably would have dropped out. It was a sad day when I had to let it go.

Still my favorite "baddie"

How is it that shitty ass VR Troopers made it onto the list and Reboot didn't?!?! It's not like it was the first 30 min show to be in full CGI, that was based in a fucking computer or anything.

Now playing

This was one of the best moments I've ever had in my gaming experience...