
If Theo leaves, who’s going to take over the duties of carrying the ball full speed into the corner and then losing it?

Slow your roll there a little. I think he is talking about human nature and how a talented PR person can write poll questions to get the results they want and take advantage of it. Not his personal feelings on whether “Redskins” is offensive.

The world actually caters to the .1% who have 90% of all the wealth.

Jesus Christ you are a bitter man.

I don’t ask for much, but now I desperately NEED the Sixers to win the lottery tonight. Please. For the comedy.

The only reason he joined Twitter is because someone told him he could block people.

Watch little Enzo clown on some other Arsenal tots above

That song was a lot funnier when I thought it was Brad Lohaus.

Poor timing considering I don’t think House Bolton is going to make it through season 6.

To completely miss the point of your comment, Serie A > Ligue 1

Do all soccer/football articles in other countries constantly discuss the relative merits of their league?

Let’s cut the guy some slack on his day off. It’s not easy being a St. Louis policeman.

“Oh so now everyone who has a swatstika tattoo is a racist?”