
@Nitesh2: The snow plow has a huge blower on it and it throws the snow up and over the wall. I used to live in Japan and saw it every once and awhile when I'd go snowboarding in the Japanese alps. Pretty nutty to see in person.

So awesome! I used to live near Tokyo and every winter I went snowboarding in the Japanese alps. I'd get on a bus at 2am and around sunrise you'd be driving through those snow walled roads. They were crazy!

@Dezerus Richardson: Heard on NPR last night that the new $100 bill costs 12 cents to make

@rathat: I heard on NPR last night that each bill costs about 12 cents to make and that they expect to lose 120 million dollars once they find all the bills. They said if they were to search for them manually it could take up to a decade so they are looking for a more automated solution.

@kimchi43: Here you go a real proven no hassle solution

@egoods: So your saying I should spend thousands of dollars to avoid being caught for breaking the law. Here's a novel idea, just obey the law and go the speed limit, total cost = free!

I used to work for a company that made imaging systems that did the exact same thing as these scanners, with the exception that you aren't exposed to any radiation. Pilots unions have boycotted these things for their health risks and unnecessary obtrusiveness

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.3: I'm wondering will the fact that I use a VPN (while using wifi hotspots at places like Starbucks) protect me from this?

I used to worked in a laboratory for a defense contractor that did a lot of R&D. I was paid really well, had great benefits and got to work with some incredibly smart and talented people. It was never boring and it was one of the best jobs I've ever had. I was pretty upset when I was laid off. This was my experience

I'm sorry but as someone who had to use test equipment from the 70's, and 80's for a long time you are wrong. Nixies were never used in great quantities and were quickly replaced by LED's and VFD's due to their low cost, long lifetime and low voltage requirements. Not to say that Nixies aren't cool but LCD's weren't

I love to cook and I make breakfast and dinner from scratch 5-6 nights a week. I love the slow food movement and am all about sustainable, local, organic, etc.. I spend more time than I should learning about food and cooking but there is no way in hell I will ever pay this kind of money for a cook book. I can buy 25

Russia as at the forefront of an Arctic land grab. Yeah Global warming

It'd be a great device for tweens/teens and old people. As a parent I'd never pay $30 a month for a data plan for a teen, but $10 a month I'd definitely buy into that and the no commitment is great for when the teen screws up and you want to take it away for punishment! Same goes for old people who don't need/want

Man and I thought climbing a few hundred feet up the mast on an aircraft carrier was scary. Forget that, you couldn't pay me enough money to do that!

@USB_Humping_Dog: No it's gunmetal or haze grey. Trust me I was in the Navy for 10 years.

@USB_Humping_Dog: Because that color is Gunship grey. It's the color US Navy vessels are painted.

Favorite part of this whole article was this line "Since this is a family blog, I wasn't sure that I should link to a man plummeting 60 meters to the cement below.…" Yeah right a family blog. With all the NSFW posts, people humping furniture, using drug paraphernalia, etc...