
@GitEmSteveDave: That has to be it, because after reading this I drove by to see who might be near that would complain and directly across the street is a fire station, next to that is a empty office building then to the right of the arcade is an empty lot then a physical therapist, the bank is to the left and behind

@GitEmSteveDave:I live in Beacon and I don't buy this one bit. The business next door is a Chase Bank that is housed in a very old and solid bank building. You can't even hear the construction that the bank is doing to their parking lot inside the building how in the world can they hear pinball machines? Too bad for

I live in Beacon and the retro arcade is a great place to hang out. The city council is sitting on their laurels on this one and are going to cost this guy his livelihood. Can't believe this is getting national media attention though!

@ACreator_PT: I used to work as an RF engineer in the cellular industry and Apple isn't lying most phones have a "sweet spot" that if you cover up the antenna it will lose signal. I can recreate this on my old Nokia e71 and on my wife's blackberry curve and as Apple illustrated a slew of other phones. What has

@tetracycloide: The higher temps affect the longevity of the conductor, the Nitrogen also doesn't do a good job of keeping them as cold as helium, without the addition of a lot of equipment.

@cafields: That is where your wrong. I used to work on a laser gyro navigation system and it had problems with a plastic shock compensator which had not been made to the correct standard but it would have been too costly to replace all at once so the Engineers designed a software compensation to deal with the errors

I always keep my phone in a case, and I bought a bumper the same time I bought my iPhone 4 so it's a non issue to me as well. The only problem I am having is with the proximity sensor. I am tired of face dialing people, hanging up on them, turning on speaker phone, etc... If there isn't a fix for it soon I'm

@tetracycloide: Those are high temp super conductors. Not as efficient as what I work on.

@antitrust311: Oh and on a side note the world is actually running out of liquid helium. It's getting kinda pricey nowadays.

@tetracycloide: liquid helium is the cryogenic gas of choice for super conductors and it maintains the conductor at about 3-3.5 Kelvin I'd say that's a bit above absolute zero (Relatively). Secondly liquid helium in the quantities needed for a super conductor runs about $10-15K for one dewar of liquid helium, and it

@Celtic1888: Agreed, AT&T let me upgrade 8 months early. Which sealed the deal for me.

@Software_Goddess: Higher prices? Every android phone out there costs the same $199 and after using a few of them their build quality doesn't even come close to that of my iPhone 3G. I ended up returning my most recent venture into the android realm an Incredible because the phone creaked and popped so badly, the

So my question to Mr. Diaz is if you feel this way about the phone are you going to continue using an iPhone 4? If not what do you or the rest of the Gizmodo staff feel is a comparable phone that is out there right now or available within the next few months?

I caught the Fedex guy hucking a box onto my front steps from about 15 feet away one day. I was excited to see the truck roll up and opened the door right as he had started his toss. He didn't even care that I saw him throw it from that far and the hard landing it took. He just walked back to his truck and drove off.

@JS_Drupal: I never said the responsibility lies with anyone besides BP, Trans Ocean and MMS for approving such a venture that had no fail safes or proven preventive measures. I am tired of everyone ripping on BP because it solves absolutely nothing. I have no love for BP or the fossil fuel industry. I feel that

You guys are a becoming a bunch of smug a$#holes around here about this BP situation. Yes what happened is an absolute travesty and the worst ecological disaster in US History but Demonizing BP is not solving anything. NPR had a great story on the other day that said BP oil is everywhere so boycotting is stupid

@Jeremy: Nope you said shouldn't they have a little light on. Trust me even a little light causes reflections on the screens which makes it hard to see and can be distracting from what's happening and when your using a multi million dollar vehicle attached to 5,000 feet of cable in a hazardous work environment you

@Jeremy: As someone who used to pilot an ROV for a living, this is the best working environment. There is no light at 5,000 feet below the surface and even with the flood lights on the ROV it is difficult to see so having all the lights off enable you to discern things in greater detail on the screen, and allows you

My dad calls me with questions like this all the time. Drives me insane! That guy handled it better than I would have.

So you guys aren't at D8? Were you guys banned or something?