
Hal: Open the pod bay door please...Hal..Hal

Honest mommy

And you just know that

Thank you kindly “Sean

Thank you for your input, lengua99, which is very much appreciated; however, I don’t sense an “ignorance here” but merely a lack of knowledgeable information on my(our) part. Thanks again!

Oh heck, why not just transfer the entire bank of human (brain) engrams from an older person directly into a RAM pod, and then splurch those memories into a much younger person whose brain pod had been totally wiped and cleared of all thought. This would seem to be much simpler, faster, and easier, plus there would be begs the real question “Can you do this more than once?” And if yes, then that (whatever-it-is) might (sorta/actually) live a very long time, indeed...

Neighhh - Neighhh