
So strap someone to their bike so they can’t be separated ?

So we have seatbelt laws but not helmet laws, I don’t care either way but it seems odd

Except it doesn’t really they are just making everyone they are passing wait to go as they go into a space too small for them to move quickly through increasing the stop part of the stop and go.

How is it safer to drive between two people not paying attention to the road like most drivers ?

I think t is more that no one other than motorcycle riders know what lane splitting is. Its not just driving like an ass its moving up through traffic and while I don’t think it is fine in most circumstances I can’t see being aggressive about it on either side.

I think depending on the manufacturer you can have two set of tpms sensors matched to the car - but then again if you are someone who changes to winter tires you may actually check the tire pressure on your own and not need the light

Not endorsing any candidate or political side but this is what people are talking about when you get that middle class crunch. Salaries have not changed much since the 90s but cars have almost doubled in price.

I am most amazed by a full size spare

I will find you, and pour water on your car.

Book hours is so they can’t get in trouble, unfortunately with the reputation dealers have they are forced to do so to protect themselves because of the bad dealers that are out there screwing people. If you find the one good mechanic or service advisor they will drop hours for combined jobs but it’s hard to find a

Dealership is never looking out for anyone’s best interest but their own, they are a business that is how they survive and Parts and Service are the dealerships bread and butter, so as a whole they will never make things cheaper for the average customer.

Texas reaching in the car leads to old man shooting him with gun he has never used other than on a range for 50 years, that he needs to carry for protecting his rights.

In texas they check that you have working turn signals, that you can brake in the parking lot and then try to sell you wipers “because yours would fail you” it not really there for anything other than revenue

I guess I am making up for your no flats - 6 in less than 100k

Nissan does it with their old patrols just for the Oil Rich Countries in the middle east I think there was an article on here about riding a new land cruiser on the dunes that talked about the old patrols still being made. I can see why defender production would keep going. Hell they could even do it and sell parts to

I dont know if it means anything other than it being a Chrysler engine, That used to be their logo.

Volkswagen as an example of a better dash design? They have the most boring looking interior out there and every one I have driven feels like a 15k kia for almost 30k.

Got to agree with you my cousin had half his leg pinned,crushed and burned under one when we were younger.