
people that do this were douches before SOA, also squids are just as bad as harley drivers

Or sell it off . . . sorry honey i sold the exhaust fan, the water heater took priority.

This will never happen but this should be COTD. A motorcyclist with common sense.

Delay of motorcycle leaving light lets say 5 seconds, that delays 1 car from making the light, that car is now stuck there from 2-10 minutes depending on the light. It is just as bad as the douche on his cell phone not moving as soon as the light is green. So no it does not help any one except the motorcyclist.

Unless the motorcycle has no delay(which is doesn’t) in moving and he is the only one who does it (multiple bikes means multiple delays) you just cost someone making the light. Which depending on how shitty the timing is you may have cost someone ten minutes. So yes this is an asshole move and there is not reason it

Samuri > Rav4 all day. I wouldnt pay that much but my oversized self would still love to have a Sammy with the newer motor small lift and 31s on it

For a $600 beater its in great shape. May even be worth close to 1k. (someone else said blue book is 1200) If I were going to look for one it would be the manual(like this one) AWD and pray someone out there still has one of those factory TRD superchargers sitting on a shelf. I remember looking through the older TRD

Looks like an 80s blazer with an ICON bronco grill

And no one will buy them just like the SS, but we will all talk about buying them used.

Are all the engine issues gone? I thought subarus leaked out from the 2.5

95 montero vs 04 civic on college student budget. Seems like the wrong choice to make budget wise - right choice to make in the cool department I love the montero. Points deducted if it is a sport.

While I agree that the final statement makes no sense (it goes fully against their entire statement he/she was pushing of new[better] versus old[worse]) I dont think you could say I drive a Hyundai is the same as I drive a Geo. The closest thing on the market to a geo is the new Mitsubishi Mirage, hyundai has been the

Insurance rates have been rising about 12% a year prior to the ACA/Obamacare. Just another way the corporations are finding a scapegoat and having you focus on the wrong thing. The system is rigged the ACA actually addressed some very large issues in the system and is in general a step in the right direction. Its was

To be fair all the metrics that are thrown around point to a recovered american economy the next tank will be due to the inability for a world economy to work together. And right on schedule for another 10 year cycle. The largest issue domestically is really stalled wages and let’s face it the democrats are the only

I thought the G8 was always ugly as sin, the small tail light (worse when they were the altezza style instead of red) and the pontiac nose. It was a better looking car than the GTO but still not pretty. The SS version may be a bit boring but they fixed the issue with the taillights and trunk

I mean it still looks better than most cars coming from the luxury makers and 5-6 year is usually a mid life cycle facelift not a full redesign. With the tesla though it has been software update constantly during the life of the vehicle not just new headlights for new owners.

I think that was a money grab to be able to fund the 3 and whatever else is coming down the line. People like SUVs why not sell one on the same drivetrain you are already selling.

I had teh first gen and other than the parts being expensive it was a pretty cool car. Second gen was a bland GM every car. Still no way they were ever worth much.

I can’t wait for these to be a couple of years old and depreciate, my friend picked up a low mile two year old smart car for commuting (all city) for less than half the cost of a new one. Granted it not a great car but it still has a factory warranty and fits his current needs for less about 7 grand.

At least it’s not a car sold as another car, rebranded back to its original name which is now only know as a taillight style in the US.