
they have to provide equal air time but that doesn’t mean they have to air whatever content they are given as long as they apply the same standards across the board and if they don’t take an Ad they need to take another that meets standards - content still matters

but did he kneel? 

2 of his staffers are in jail becasue of this asshole - I doubt they care what he does

see but it wasn’t called in the first 58 minutes - the announcers spent the first 5 of the game talking about how the ref clearly were sitting back and letting them play - I’d rather it be chippy on both sides that there be a ton of penalties which leads to diving - damned if you do damned if you don’t -let’em play

Regardless of how things work in fantasy land, there are still people who commit crimes and those people need to go to jail... where do you think we should keep those people when we close Rikers

working in publishing I sarcastically told a friend this AM that “this is going to be the best year ever for books” - yeah

sadly I am — I went back — I was recalling when Glenn and Nicholas were returning from their fracas in the woods — I was happier before

so I’m guessing you skipped cloudy with a chance of meetballs

correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t Glenn already return to Maggie after this herding shit show in an earlier episode — he was covered in blood and quite tired but very much alive — I know the time jumping can be confusing and I don’t get much sleep these days but I could swear that happened

I don’t know - Yanks odds of winning tomorrow are low - he wouldn’t even have to make an announcement on Wed

clearly that tussle in Toronto was more than met the eye - wonder if this was part of a deal... timing here is very odd

so he wanted Brees?

How do you think his “authorized” version will differ from this book... any chance he’ll really spill his guts

I somehow doubt we would have read about this in the “authorized” version...

Mortal Combat vs Donkey Kong

I’m sorry I fell asleep halfway through your complaint about the horror of people giving you advice and I haven’t had any benedryl

that’s why my Dr also suggested a test run...

it’s great and certainly no worse than McDonalds or NYC air

I used benedryl and it works, plus my pediatrician told me to do it... it’s just not a big deal

I’m not sure I understand - are you saying his lack of experience validates having little experience? I admire his ambition on big issues but he was not ready for prime time and his administrations have suffered for it. Also she had much more power as FLOTUS and Sec of State than a junior senator does - better to have