
And they're right. "Policymakers aren't wholly unjustified in these assumptions." So this headline could just as easily have read "Washington Policymakers Have Accurate Assessment of Ordinary Americans". Am I supposed to be outraged?

This may be just me, but I wouldn't call attention to being cut from the Bucs.

Mark Sanchez just found his dream center.

But part of their job is to inform us. It's like a bad teacher complaining his kids are stupid.

i would just like to take a moment to appreciate that the url for this post is "one-of-t-a-t-us-fake-lesbians-is-actually-a-raging-homo"

Replace this with "How much do you think the average American knows about [whatever your field is]." I'd say "very little" about mine, wouldn't you? Do you dislike them because of their relative lack of knowledge?

Generally, policymakers feeling contempt for the people they are working for is a bad thing. However, policymakers have some reason to be skeptical of "ordinary" people thanks to signs like this...

Wrong side of the commonwealth. Eastern PA is Yuengling country, western PA drinks IC Lite, which is just fermented steel mill runoff.

This thread has been excellent. Basically, nobody really knows what anybody is doing, but whoever is doing it is doing it on purpose and for very bad reasons.

TIL: Drew Magary is truly not a Schiano man.

Oh, hush. We have, too, had civil liberties.

What nonsense are you talking about? What civil liberties do the Republicans want removed? The whole point is less Government oversight and people doing more of what they want in the freedom of their own home. The only real two exceptions are gay marriage (for which they have religious problems with and not a hatred

"This is exemplary of poor writing skills" - he said vs. he snickered / implied / segued / etc. Substitution of multi-syllabic for simple words is an attempt to project the appearance of intellect where actual deep thought is lacking... I said cogitatively :)

This guy didn't even give me THIRTEEN MINUTES to respond to his message:

Don't worry I'm sure he was wearing the period-correct clothing

Seriously, any dude that uses "libations" (or even worse "m'lady") who is not dressed in period-accurate reproduction clothing needs to be drawn and quartered. The Queen has so ordered.

You earn your living basically by making fun of people (often maliciously), yet you're somehow some kind of moral authority on proper parenting and behavior? Get over yourself.