
The enemy will feel safer knowing that 65th AGRS no longer exists.

Nice that she is so trusting that this was not the type of guy to get out and beat the shit out of her, or pull a gun and shoot her.

Lady needs to hit the daiye spa.

Sorry for that little boy..

Quite a role model for her kid.

She's just concerned for his health is all.

Everyone knows the real asshole here is one of the main ingredients in PYT's hotdogs.


This guy (this is a screenshot of a message to me) needs to meet her. I bet they have loads in common.

I have to believe that the 20 cent tip was a message. I consider myself a really good tipper but I once left a one dollar tip on a $150 dollar tab at Brasiere Le Cose in Atlanta. Dude was just hanging out with his friends at the bar. We had to get our own drinks and our own utensils to eat our cold food. I wrote on

The tone of these stories is always "you're a millionaire, it doesn't matter how the service was you still have to tip". If they really cared about McCoy's side of the story they'd have contacted him before running it.

Disclosure: I am an Eagles fan, but Drew Brees got railroaded the same way last year.

Who does the waiting staff work for? What should I pay the salary of someone who doesn't work for me? Go ahead, raise the cost of the meal to include their wages in it, but don't tell me how much to give and that I should still give if I get shitty service.

Saying if you can't afford to tip don't go out to eat is completely nonsensical - plenty of people can afford to tip really well, but this server entitlement needs to get over itself and earn their tips the old fashioned way. I usually tip up to 50% depending on how hard the server is working, but it's easy to spot a

Shut the fuck up and get me another refill. I can do whatever the fuck I want, because I have a career. You need me to like you to keep a roof over your head and coke up your nose. Serve better, dick.

I completely endorse this thought. PYT is really not above anything.

I once heard a sports radio clip of either an NFL or NBA athlete talking about tipping. The host said the proper base tip was 10 percent. The athlete agreed that the proper base tip was 10 cents. They went back and forth for about a minute arguing if the proper term was cents or percent.

I've been to PYT enough times to know their shady self-promotion tactics when I see them. Sales must be down on the burger with the fried pieces of elios pizza for a bun.

I totally believe the theory that he thought he was leaving 20%. I have no doubts this is what actually happened.

I'm glad Rice got released, it's the right call. But in all fairness, Flacco should probably get released too for theft over $100M