
I’m moving back in the direction of physical media as well, though they catch me every now and then when I’m right there on the couch ready to watch something specific. I think the content diaspora that comes with the streaming wars has really pushed a lot of people back to physical media; when you can’t be sure

Yeah, but that’s pretty rare if they’re boxed. I also find that cleaning often helps a scratched disk play.

10-15 years ago I bought a lot of DVDs (which is why I’ll occasionally find something on the shelf now and think “wait, when and why the hell did I buy this?”), and then stopped for a long time, though I’ve started again somewhat recently, though this time with Blu-Rays. This time only things I really love, like Coen

AKA Why, if I really like something and it’s available I buy it in DVD (now Blue Ray).

please, PLEASE, let this be the first domino tipping of Democrats finally getting sick and tired enough of Republicans’ bullshit to call them out forcefully for it. The only thing dipshit bullies like your average Republican respond to is being punched in the nose, period, so please let this be the first of many nose

This is part of the reason I feel lucky that I live in an area with voting via mail. The last thing I need is some schmo who decides to hassle me about ID while I’m just trying to exercise my fundamental American right to vote.

I expect being a big-budget actor in the 21st century means being able to act against nothing but a green screen and tennis ball on a stick.  Which is just depressing.

With Jurassic Park, there was also a mix of practical/computer effects. And when there was CGI, they used practical effects to help put them in the real world with the cast (who then had something to act against) instead of just using CGI to make the whole room.

this. I loved the witches BECAUSE it was scary and this version seems to have the goal of making it more a zany story. I agree that the CGI only furthers that. The book is scary. This is supposed to be scary not an opportunity for Anne Hathaway to chew scenery and do another bad accent. 

Oh god, I remember that part (as well as the part before with Huston and the rest whipping off their wigs) terrified me as a child. 

Hell, the Grand High Witch’s transformation in to a rat is pretty terrifying.

I totally agree about the computer imagery. There’s always something off about character CGI aiming for realism... maybe the brain registers that it’s off, that it’s just animation painted on top of video, and it just doesn’t form a strong memory?

It would be impossible for any CGI to be as viscerally upsetting as the quick cuts of Bruno’s transformation in the 1990 movie.

I’m going to guess it’s the CGI that probably kills it. The big reveal scene when we first see all the witches works because they’re all real. It’s all practical effects and makeup.

I assumed that William and Dell were in vegetative states, not comas. They only had machines keeping them alive, which is what Christina needed to use her morph spells. So I think that Ruby is brain dead, as well.

Anybody know if this was a miniseries or if there will be a second season?

But as we soon see: Leti lives! Plot armor rules.

My sister said, about going to a restaurant for her fisncess birthday in a downtown metro yesterday, “I already work in the hospital, I can only control so much and worry about so much.

Magical thinking is what’s causing the increase of people with COVID-19. Dumb stuff like that cycle class that ended up with more than 35 people infected. They made you wear a mask unless you were in a class exercising, like the virus was stupid and could be reasoned with. Dumb stuff like you had to wear a mask in a

I know right!. I’ll make my own damn coquito and stay home.