
If the TWD reviews are any indication, you're probably right, only there the people who don't watch actually comment on how much a show they haven't seen sucks.

I was actually kind of bothered by that. I mean, there are only TWO episodes left. We're almost through the season, it's almost a perfect/great season. Enter Ryan Murphy with more characters to deal with on the final leg of the race. I actually said out loud, "Oh, here we go…" when Bentley turned up.

Even knowing it was him, it was still hard to find him in there. The only time I saw him was when he had that little tantrum, it reminded me of dandy.

Okay, I wasn't expecting Shelby's death. I had her pegged for survival. I also didn't realize she had a knife in her hand, so the combination of her slitting her throatwith the 10 or so seconds of her ragged heavy breathing before it were pretty chilling.

No, this wouldn't count because he was accused of black on black crime.

To be fair though, I mean… Fake Carol in Alexandria was catatonic compared to Fake Carol in The Kingdom. I mean she was practically twirling her index fingers in her dimples while she talked (and I can't blame her…if some dude with dreads and a tiger started talking to me like that I would have to counter on the same

I saw the SNL with Emily Blunt before the "Surprise I'm British!" "reveal" so that's what she makes me think of, there's a slight parallel.

Kathy Bates commits so well to whatever they give her that it's hard to really find any fault. I mean, I've always loved her anyway (and regardless of what you may think of Two and Half Men, the episode where she plays Charlie Sheen's character — she won an Emmy for it — is unreal), but I'm just happy she keeps

I can't believe there are only three episodes left and it hasn't run into the land of suck. I also think it's a shame that I have to mentally prepare myself for that to happen at the beginning of each episode only to be pleasantly surprised that it didn't happen at the end. I don't even like using cautious optimism

And overall that was one of the few high points of 'Freak Show.'

So one of the best seasons and one of the worst seasons will combine to make one terrible season, just because?

LOL Well played!

I'll agree with this one instance, but that was like the only time. I ranted about this last episode.

I don't quite remember much of it from childhood, but seeing it as a adult, both that scene and the one where Dumbo's mom loses it were both pretty rough.

I'm not sure she doesn't have the talent to do it but I think she has to either commit to it wholeheartedly or let it go and stick with dance/pop/meat. I'm sure getting lumped into "Adult Contemporary" at such a young age isn't exactly appealing but I think with the right producer it would work fine if she would

You're forgetting that our heroes (heh) only handily kicked a handful of negan's people's asses. And at one point one of those people claimed to BE Negan, which to my eyes makes for a potentially hazardous situation even if they DO take him down. His people might be like the baddies of Oz/The Wiz were when the

See Also: Source Material

YES!! I seriously don't understand these people who are like, "we waited all this time for THIS??" and I'm thinking, "Did you literally just sit there doing absolutely nothing for months and months, because you're whining like you did, and it's sad."

THIS. I wish this review would notice things the way you do.

I just re-watched that scene, and Negan threw the axe onto the roof. You can hear it land up there. I guess I was still in shock…