
I must have watched Maggie's second meeting with Gregory around ten times. She NAILED that scene. Nice to see her bust out the ovaries and take-charge.

You just have to get into the thread within the first day or two, then you're good. It seems to devolve beyond that until the thread dies, which is a shame because historically I feel I can count on the avclub's boards to seemingly exist on a higher plane than pretty much ANY other comments section (Knock on wood).

The NY-adjacent parts of Jersey are wholly responsible for the state's rep, which sucks because most of the state is not jughandles, circles, smog/pollution a la the NJ Turnpike/206/Northern end of the Parkway and 'The Jersey Shore' — the bulk of these 'delights' are from the northernmost part of the state (See

This comment. Except… well.. Jersey gets its entire reputation from North Jersey and the central-north Jersey shore. As a SJ native, therein lies the issue.

Bisection would've been superb, like from the top down. I realize that it had to happen the way it did, but that would've been pretty badass.

On repeat viewing the damage appeared to run on an angle, so that explanation would make sense, but in the moment it was difficult to catch all that. Having not read the comics, I was too busy clutching my pearls on the first viewing to analyze it.

I was kind of bummed by it, both because it was then quite clear that Carol messed his head up and because I was kind of hoping was going to find the fill-in-the-blank to turn it around be pretty badass. I also thought that Carol's attitude toward him was in part because she didn't want to get close to any more

If you have the means, watch it again. He continues to help Denise even after he realizes he's done for, and Carol sees it. This on the heels of both Denise pointing out that he'd already changed somewhat and coupled with Carol's conversation with Morgan RE: Wolfguy moments before. She's realizing Morgan's way

Dear God, I thought I was the only one that liked it. I had to read through so many disparaging comments to get to this one.

He induces the permanent side-eye whenever he turns up on TV. I'm not sure he could ever come back from that for me. He'd have to rescue me from a burning building.

It's as if no one has any comment on the inside of his nostril, the unlikely fourth star of this video — particularly once he shares that his wife did too much coke.

But that's her MO, so…..?

I'm just shocked. I can't believe the damn-near uncountable amount of comments bitching about Glenn being alive. It was called minutes after that episode aired, and seeing him tonight was at the very least underwhelming, but some of y'all are just butthurt over it, and I'm not understanding why.

My vote is fratricide, when OlderBro tries to kill Korl.

She did seem to die like the second she got bit.

It does seem weird that they used the 'Oprah Airbrush' tool on Jessica Lange least season during her flashbacks last season but not on him.

I could be misremembering, but I believe he said the countess didn't turn him. specifically her.

The walker that Rick killed after his knife broke off in the first one's head — that guy had a large knife, or machete driven into his shoulder. Rick cut himself on the knife when he was holding him back to get at his head.

it's the permanent tears for me.

Pam Grier was and is the shit. I'm not understanding what the problem is here.