
They're looking for a third.

Why, oh why did they pick Hi-C Orange for his hair? Does ANYONE's hair grow that color? He's been in the wildness for months but not a root in sight.

The one dude was ROTC, sure, but he's probably been largely safe inside those walls for a long time. He has no idea what it's actually like out there, evidenced not only by how they strung up a walker but also how they handled it when the found it. They're like the rent-a-cops of food runners.

THIS. I knew the minute I saw that she was faking it, and I loved her all the more. Even without being openly badass, she's badass.

To quote Jan Brady, I never thought about it like that. I personally don't have a problem with with the way that Andre is being portrayed, but I wish they'd make it a little bit more clear. I think what you described is exactly what they're going for the character.

Did the Michael/Jamal thing just come totally out of left field, or is it just me? When Michael asked Cookie if he was acting differently, I was kind of confused. Then that whole conflict seemed to go from zero to 10 rather quickly (but then, lots of things did this episode — Elle is a mess, Elle won't work with

Agree. I feel like his wife is more fully formed as a character than he is. She's the one doing the bulk of the dirty work, or at least it feels like it. They've done a great job of establishing a relationship between Jamal & Hakeem, but not so much either with Andre.

It's like no one noticed, even still! I skipped reading comments to find someone mentioning this. HER NAME IS OLIVIA!!!

They stopped because they realized he was dead and they had to knife him. Tyreese wasn't covered with a sheet until he was in the hole they'd dug to bury him.

Yeah… until the wind blows that weave back…

God. I don't get how a potentially good but mishandled arc could leave me so wholly disappointed after the penultimate episode, and then make me feel things I wish I'd felt way more often for the entire final episode. The entire Dandy sequence felt as insane as he was, and Elsa's story, while a little slow, felt

Dude, how many plot lines could we say that about, though? Dell? Dandy? Shit, Elsa? Twisty?

I don't remember it coming up, but my recollection of that time (I was a junior/senior in 99) cell phones at that time weren't flip phones by and large. And so few teens had them back then (note the references to paging Hae). Nokia drove flip phones into popularity around 01-02.


Could there be a lot of conservation in the air around this person at the moment, if you look at it in a certain way?

Does the casting have anything to do with either Patti or Angela's character?

Well.. Carl's wife got pregnant either Rick or Shane (I don't care enough to remember her name, I apologize), so something's up.

Keep it real, why don't you?

Finding 'Coven' to be pretty awesome brings your credibility into question, if only a wee bit. Entertaining, I'll give you, but 'pretty awesome' is a stretch.

I don't think she cares so much as she sees he's a good guy at heart and doesn't want him to end up falling victim to Stanley;s scheme.