So if I have this right going off the article, here are currently the songs in Vice City that are not confirmed or we know are gone completely (read: Michael Jackson)
I think the game most responsible for the hit to WoW’s numbers is WoW itself.
I think Final Fantasy XIV is responsible for a bigger hit to WoW's numbers than New World.
Activision, not EA
I’m fairly sure that people didn’t like Lady D for her plot relevance, or just because she was tall. She had other... “assets” that this character *severely* lacks. To put it in laymen’s terms: “She is cool, but I do NOT want her to sit on me.”
Disney is a monster, and I have some sympathy for Lieber, but Ditko never showed any interest in lawsuits when he was alive. I’d also argue that the families don’t even really intend to get the characters back — Thor becomes a lot less valuable detached from the rest of Marvel and much of his supporting cast — and the…
It’d hard to draw any useful conclusions from Titanfall 2’s sales numbers because EA sent it out to die. As I recall, it dropped smack dab between major CoD and Battlefield releases? Which… Battlefield is also EA, and they didn’t even pretend to give it room to breathe. The fact that the community keeps bursting back…
Because no other product - save houses, I suppose - reasonably gets advertised and marketed at once price but ends up changing value from seller to seller. You don’t see Best Buy selling a TV for $2000 when the same one at Target sells for $500.
You don’t negotiate your phone purchases? You probably don’t negotiate your groceries or your gas bill either.
This. There’s a whole generation of folks where negotiating is part of the buying process, and that generation is dying out (sorry to be put it into such blunt terms).
At least then I could actually read everything. On sites where I’m in the grays (everything but Jalopnik) besides all the usual Kinja crap, I can’t even read all the comments. Not talking about grayed comments, I mean I get the single page load of comments, and nothing else will load.
It definitely is NOT a legal gray area, you are right about that. But what you are claiming they did is not what they did.
So you’re saying you recognize it when a group image has gaps like this, but not that you can guess from the gaps who the unrevealed characters are.
To say that nobody but Nintendo should ever be allowed to make Metroid games is tantamount to saying you believe other people would be better at creating Metroid than Nintendo, therefore Nintendo should have a stranglehold on the property so that they can make inferior games and still maximize profit. If Nintendo is…
Correlation != causation
God I hope not. Art is not some linear progression forwards towards some ideal state.
“I spent one of my early jobs watching the final seconds tick away as I anxiously hunted for that one square foot of grass I’d somehow missed”.