
Nah... society was always like this. Those of us who worked retail/restaurant jobs can tell you people were always like this. You’re just “seeing” more because the only ones “out” are the bad ones, the good majority took the fucking once in a 100 years global pandemic seriously, like one should.

I will be so happy in 20 years when these young woke motherfuckers are on the other side of the generational divide and whatever woke thing they are championing now is deemed horrifically offensive and people are posting their 2021 tweets saying, “I can’t believe you used the work BIPOC to refer to people of color

FoeHammer’s Pelican should always be a little battleworn.

“Math is hard, that’s why you couldn’t understand how it’s reasonable that 3 skins cost the same as a brand-new, boxed copy of RE8"

Welcome to Overwatch 2 where you now get less Overwatch per match. 

Then there is the third group of people, the in house IT department. We think the contractors and the consultants are both idiots. :P

Seriously though, you are correct. When you only see the mistakes it is easy to have a negative view of someone.

It’s weird how they always show something patriotic like George Washington. Then when they drop the veil they show their true colors.

I am well aware that those in the region from whom the Palestinians descended likely got there through violence as frankly fighting and fucking tend to be how different ethnic groups of our species move from one locale to another on the planet (if you don’t count those dragged there through bondage).

If he’s going to write off an entire people for the behaviour of *some* of their leadership during WW2 I imagine he’s not also conveniently forgetting the no. of European countries/people who were sympathetic Nazism at the time (Italy, The Royal Family in the UK/Scout Cubs in the UK modelling themselves on the Hitler

I work in IT and someone in our company got hit with something similar. And no we didn’t have to shut down everything to contain it. That’s a flat out lie you have to shut it all down.

In many industries, knowledge of how to do things manually has evaporated.  Even in my industry (pizza delivery) the newer hires (and we basically only have a couple of diehards like myself, so virtually everyone is a new hire) have no idea how to even write an order down on a old fashioned slip, they can’t calculate

It was only a matter of time once IGN bought them.

Spock, The Rock, Doc Ock, AND Hulk Hogan!

After a soda bread incident last year (seriously how did i even), I spent a few days searching for a mnemonic to help with this. Ultimately I used my incredibly small knowledge of Unix to find and replace “baking powder” with Clabber Girl” in my recipe database (CopyMeThat lets you export as a .txt file) to alleviate

This bugs me, now we cant just transmog anytime we want, and we also got to pay silver each time too. Odyssey and Immortals team (same team) did it in a much better way.

I work in tech, mostly something akin to QA for the software and hardware my company produces, but because I’m at a level that’s not-quite developer and leagues beyond the majority of people I work with, I’m expected to know every-fucking-little-thing that our customers and installers touch, beyond our own products to

It’s always been kind of obvious that devs have put less and less effort into compressing or organizing data into a more efficient way and honestly I can’t even really blame the dev teams. It’s the management as always who set unrealistic deadlines and goals and pressure employees into dangerous crunch in order to

Oh wow, good point! I keep forgetting Fenyx came out. My brain has memory holed almost all of December. 

Normally, you’d be right...but Japan isn’t normal lol. They have a different mentality, so it’s got a higher chance of success than it would in nearly any other country.

Zach Snyder’s entire career can be summed up like this: