Saw this on twitter. Really puts this dude’s whole image in to context.
That’s what it sounds like to me, to. Or “So long-a Bowser!”
Nope, the man was a sociopath, your reaction is the correct one. Watchdogs 2 did a lot to undo the damage done by the sloppy story and horrible character from the first game. The first game’s story was a pastiche of noir tropes that were sloppily applied and his character did not translate well. The ludo-narrative…
You. Are. NOT.
Playing as Aiden felt...grimy? Sticky? Slimy? It’s hard to explain.
It felt like the writers were going after what they thought an anarchist hacktivist would be like, but they made a villain that is deluded into thinking that they’re the hero instead. Not an anti-hero, but a villain. Everything he does is in his own…
No. The personality black hole that is Aiden Pierce is going to suck up any flare that the series has generated since. No matter how iconic his hat is.
Yup. The biggest mistake the original Watch_Dogs made was not realizing just how awful a protagonist it had, and doubling down on it is just eyerolling.
I like the part in the video where he executes a man with a shot to the back of the head point blank.
Yeah he’s an irredeemable piece of shit. Really stupid move on their part to try to make him some sort of draw for DLC lol
It makes sense for him to return. He has all the personality of a drone.
Game is the best super hero game ever made..its awesome.
Or the thing that made Rome so wildly successful for 400 years- incredibly low standards for gaining citizenship. In fact the tightening of these restrictions resulted in a failure to fully assimilate the various Germanic peoples into the empire and the sacking of Rome itself.
The Last Amoong Uss.
America does put stupid amounts of money into the military, but it’s absolutely not integrated into the lives of most people. I honestly can’t remember a time I had any sort of direct interaction with anything military related, unless you count seeing Army ads before a movie or something?
The ambient soundtrack literally had a sobbing woman in the background.
Yeah ‘lighthearted’ is not a word I would use to describe Defcon.
Glad to help sorry I keep forgetting that different gaming news sites are like different countries online so let me share what we’ve been discussing over at Polygon and Ars Technica.
Firstly the “it’s only cosmetic!” argument. No one is making the argument that the skin itself is changing the multiplayer component of a…
This is how the gaming market has always been. When a winning formula is revealed it’s a gold rush until over-saturation occurs.