Fallout 5 but it’s a Battle Royale
Fallout 5 but it’s a Battle Royale
Yup. I deal with the public. They’re largely intentionally stupid. It’s like dealing with giant toddlers or chronic sleepwalkers with slightly better self-awareness. The consuming public want to think and pay attention to their lives as little as possible. Next time you pay for something with your chip card, the beep…
It also doesn’t help that its 3 AM, and all the cars in front of you are drunk and/or high. Of course you are too because why else are you getting Taco bell
I am a parent of 2, including my son who is very into video games. I have been playing First Person Shooters since before he was born (he’s now 20).
The Rocketeer was one of the best superhero movies ever. Fight me.
The difference between loot boxes and CCGs is that you typically didn’t pay a $60 entry fee (or any entry fee at all) to gain the privilege to buy packs of cards. Oh, and buying cards is understood up-front as a requirement of the CCG format, whereas loot box systems often get dropped into games in ways that aren’t…
“Do they not have probes? At all? Or shuttles? Or scanners at all? Why can their computer not zoom in on an image, but they can use a telescope?”
I think there is a certain personality type of fairly intelligent and perceptive person who goes through a phase in their life lasting maybe a decade, from about age 15 to age 25 or so, in which they realize that many people and many institutions of society are hypocritical and corrupt. But instead of continuing a…
Precisely. Factory automation accounted for some of it, but much more of it was accounted for by Milton Friedman saying that Fordism was passe, and corporations didn’t have an obligation to all shareholders (which included workers, customers, supply chain partners, even the communities in which factories were based),…
Well, if you look at it from that perspective, what justifies the skyrocketing executive pay? If the machines are to thank for the rise in productivity, rather than more productive workers or more talented executives, pay should have remained relatively flat for execs too. Scaling back those executive pay grades to…
Toss in the fact that so many Kickstarter horror stories keep popping up of projects that keep your money, never put out what you paid for, and vanish into the ether (only to start another project later on), and it’s hard to justify throwing money at someone’s vaporware project these days without some serious promises.
In the US, corporate culture frowns heavily upon discussing salaries as a means of control. It’s part of how management gets away with paying women so much less than men.
Well, punitive damages are generally available in defamation cases against private individuals if the defamer acted with malice. Given that the defendants here put down in writing their intent to ruin the plaintiff’s business, establishing malice is a slam dunk. So who knows exactly how it was apportioned, but I’d…
We already know they kill all civilians with impunity. They happen to kill POC at a disproportionate rate. Black people are shot and killed at a rate 2.5 times that of white people. http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-36826297
You will need a screwdriver, a pair of tweezers, a magnifying glass (optional), some salt (~1tbsp), and a bag of chicken feed, preferably corn-based.
Wait. A. Goshdurned Minute.
My hypothetical child will be smart enough to read subs. Or it’ll have no idea what’s going on. Swim or sink, you little fucker!