
I dunno, as a horror fan, I found it kind of really predictable, and very lacking in what i’d want in a werewolf movie. And that’s as a fan of Milana Vayntrub (I would of rather had Squirrel Girl. :( )

Also maybe if Ubisoft spent more time actually re-releasing Driver San Francisco first, I’d be able to give more of a

Lots of blade runner and average scores. I find the idea that neon is a blade runner thing funny, when the john wick films take place in all sorts of cities, and they just give that look to everything from nighttime europe, to nighttime new york, etc.

because this is a project we are directly investigating at Jagex.

I think the whole point is that if Pluto was still a planet, there are a bunch of things that meet that classification, and should be planets as well. Do you want like 20 more NEW planets, just so you can get Pluto back?

As the CEO of a company, part of his job is to not rock the boat, and cause falls in stock price. By saying this stuff, he did so. He was bad at his job. He lost it.

Right. Sometimes fighting games pr will leave shadows, which might give a clue to who’s being brought in, but here the gaps are completely empty. But the emptiness is significant enough (and how they inserted April once they revealed her) is enough to tell me that this is just the beginning.

There’s a bunch of empty gaps around the turtles in the final title image. It’s obvious locations for future new characters. Fighting games do this all the time.

I don’t get it. I just don’t understand the need to pay, play, and dump a game like this. I mean, at least not in the numbers required to kill a studio. I can see some people doing it. But the majority of them?

The cynic in me wonders if this company is using this to divert blame away from their business practices,

Can see the new character gaps in the ending image. Can’t wait.

If I have local access to your computer, I don’t need a razor mouse to get into it.

And depending on use, this doesn’t matter, because for ex: all of my computers are single user, so I am already an administrator. If you don’t know my laptop pin, you are not getting in to install the mouse anyways.

The one use case

Square is the eastern king of overestimating sales goals for games, and then killing them off when they can’t possible get near them.

Also, in that kind of deal, can’t Square just cook the numbers and claim they haven’t broke even? Especially when they control the marketing budget? “Well, we would of broke even, but we

I cannot describe how much I really don’t want to play this game. It just sounds very depressing.

So instead of reversing the change, they’re going to waste everyone’s time with an in-house team that is just a pr nothing. Cool. Real decisive. What were they even thinking in the first place?

I’ve played RDO2 as one of my few MMO’s for a while now, and while I’ve definitely heard people say some nasty stuff once or twice (very rarely, honestly), I have never actually encountered anyone pretending to be KKK. I’ve been playing for *checks social club* 14 days of game time, and I’ve never seen it.

To all the

Seeing people worry about whether or not they should stop subbing is kind of irking me. I already uninstalled and stopped playing blizzard games after the hong kong fiasco, and now I’m actually considering deleting my account entirely. They won’t listen until they stop getting money in their pockets, and players in

If that’s the case, then the broken sprite version would actually be accurate to real life military tattoos. The stars are supposed to always be first, like a battle standard flag would look in combat.

They probably didn’t know. I didn’t know until a friend in the army explained that it’s supposed to be a battle standard, and the stars are always moving forward.

One of of the few silver linings of covid is that people are starting to realize that if your choices are work your ass off and don’t make enough to live, or don’t make enough to live, why take that job?

That’s the whole point. Disney avoided the covid problem by finding a new revenue stream for the film. Does that mean that Scar Jo shouldn’t get a bonus for those sales?

What good comes from allowing companies to say, “well, we couldn’t pay you because this didn’t work. But we sure did make a lot of money from this