Sadly, his nose, eyebrows, and chin seem to match his dad.
Sadly, his nose, eyebrows, and chin seem to match his dad.
this is the worst take
I find it weird that they’re quoted as saying they based him off of first blood, when the red bandana, black shirt look is very specific to First Blood Part 2. And if I was going to try justifying him as an action hero to put in a game, I’d mention that movie, and not First Blood for the very reasons you mentioned.
Man, they must have him hopped up on something amazing, because he sounds way more alert than he did than at the debate.
Be very prepared for it to be hyper successful with normal people. With us being stuck with 8 of these damn things, as they slowly inject their canon into the real game’s canon over time.
100%, most of my high level sales so far have been from palace of the dead. We just unlocked 50+.
Hit this weird place as a healer, where I’m not at Idyllshire, but am level 60 (so I can’t spend poetics for my level), so I’m not doing the healing I should be doing for class quests (I had to beat my scholar level 60 quest on easy, and I feel dirty), or my team, without having my guildmates make me better items.
Would take this game with a grain of salt. Only sort of the original dev team (two of the three co-founders left go make the Rebel Galaxy Games (*heart*), and the original team was broken up and reformed into a new team with the last cofounder heading it.), was originally designed as a MMORPG in early access, that…
So looking it up, it looks like only 30 people worked on BGAE. They may of not even had a QA team, with just in house devs working on bug fixing. I lived through all of this, and I can tell you, it took two console generations of 3d games before we had standardized options to invert controls and control sensitivity,…
You have to understand the time. Consoles were just getting internet connections, and social media was not what it was today. The only consumer advice on development you could get was whether your game sold well or not, and maybe reviews if you paid attention to them. If the dev team was used to the control scheme…
This game is vaporware right?
It was a game on the original xbox and gamecube. Console requirements and standardized controls did not become a huge thing until the 360 and ps3.
This game came out?
Am I crazy for saying that bringing back Aiden Pierce makes me want to play the new watch dogs less than before? He’s easily one of the least likable video game protagonists of all time.
Fenyx as a spelling is a crime against humanity.
That doesn’t change my opinion in the slightest. Especially for a superhero game, where the idea of dressing up the heroes in all of their other costumes is part of the appeal?
I mean, I was already pretty meh on the game, and seeing the microtransactions in the beta just completely turned me off.
Getting a little big for their britches, arn’t they? Do they really think that this will all last long enough to become what they want it to become? Because fortnight is almost certainly just the current fad, and will eventually fall to something else in the future. This is almost certainly inevitable.