
Hey, it only took 4 games for them to start trying right?

I will say, if there was any benefit to COVID-19 and the lockdown, it’s making me realize how little I need to actually spend premium money to have an awful experience watching a movie.

Well, if the answer to that question is no, then answer to your question is no.

Now playing

There’s a reason why the fastest way for a DM to introduce a moral dilemma into a campaign is to have the heroes find a bunch of orc babies. There are lots of humanoid races in DND that as part of the lore, are stereotyped, and distrusted.

Even worse. She wasn’t married to a cop. He’s married to her. She’s the law enforcement member.

While I love origins, nope. It’s still Black Flag. Leveled weapons is a mess, and I still don’t find them particularly fun.

Well, looks like there’s more than just a basic 5v5 mode, so still interested

I was a little saddened to see that the main multiplayer is 5 v 5. Hopefully the campaign will have more of that X-Wing/Tie-Fighter feel.

I ended up reading the section of the book that is sourced in that section, and while it mentions that during that time period people not in regalia or costume were committing acts in broad daylight, the source does not actually mention GW Forrest ordering the destruction of regalia, or the ending of their use. Not

what no death stranding

GTAV already does this to an extent. You only have to stand in front of cops to set them off, if you hang around too much. And in one particular anecdote...

I was actually more just speaking my thoughts as they came to me. Looking it over again, I noticed the typo of buy as by, and that rather crappy writing of “my point is at this point”. But that’s what you get when you write off the cuff like that.

He looks way more like 5/6 chris in this than he did in 7. And i’m not surprised he’s grumpy. RE7 basically had him being the new HUNK for Blue Umbrella, and he never seemed happy about that either.

I just not feeling it at all. While I would normally not ask the question “is this really the right time for this game?” just by saying that thought outloud, I guess I am. I wonder how many other people are feeling like this, and if it’s going to affect the game’s sales. Probably not, at least not from what I’ve

It turns out they didn’t resign from the team in “solidarity”. They resigned because their police union refused to pay for lawyers to protect them in that position. And then when they resigned, the police union lied, and released a press release saying that they resigned to protest the firings. Kind of gross all

I’m watching the gameplay footage, and looking at the screenshots, and honestly? It’s not that bad. I mean, yeah, it’s running at a lower resolution, and the framerate is wonky. But it doesn’t look unplayable at all. I mean, as someone who plays most of their high end games on console, I’m used to taking resolution

The car changes on the podium every week or so. So do the events. They do this all the time. I do not know why people are getting upset over a goddamned lottery, I have won all sorts of cars in that lottery, and if it’s a car I don’t want, I don’t participate. If they didn’t want the issi to begin with, why are they

If the costumes are free when they are released, I don’t really have a problem with it.. Capcom is still going to have to pay artists on their end to model them. But if capcom charges for the costumes, thats a totally different story, and is kind of fucked up.

Their advertising and word of mouth can’t be that great. This is the first I’ve even heard of this game.

And the quality bar for steam refused to change.