Honestly, I’m not siding with either. I think it’s incredbly stupid that many of the farmers pushed for Trump, when his anti-immigration policies were obviously going to interfere with their livelyhoods.
Honestly, I’m not siding with either. I think it’s incredbly stupid that many of the farmers pushed for Trump, when his anti-immigration policies were obviously going to interfere with their livelyhoods.
No, my opinion is that it’s more likely that there is an entitlement issue here. That white people think and feel that such backbreaking work is beneath them, and that they likely wouldn’t take it, no matter how much it paid or how desperate they were. Our culture puts a lot of emphasis on your job, and your position,…
The LA article quotes a farmer as saying that he can only raise wages so much (and at 14-19 dollars an hours, that’s pretty high. That’s tech work wages), before it becomes impossible for him to do business. So something’s not working here.
First article has the stuff about government wages.
There are plenty of articles about private farmers added benefits and insurance, and still not getting people staying through the season.
Read the article again. They’re talking about government jobs, where the wages have to match government standards. There are also stories of private farmers offering insurance and benefits, and still not getting people to do the work.
Problem is that even when you do offer good pay, and benefits, Americans just don’t want to do the jobs immigrants are willing to do here. It’s probably a similar issue in Britain.
Except they arn’t. Humanity in 1000 AD is doing fine. They only ascribe to their adventure after seeing the future wrecked by lavos, and deciding to do something. There’s nothing conservative about it. They’re not ignoring the problem. They’re not sticking to their own issues. Fixing Lavos isn’t going to change a damn…
There’s quite a bit of biblical referencing in Chrono Trigger.
Not my fault republicans have kind of dirtied the term. You’re right though. I would apply the issues more to just modern republican outlooks and techniques than political conservatism.
There are a couple of angles you could go through. THere’s a lot of shit involving monsters and people fighting, and learning that monsters are just sentient beings with their own issues.
Can someone explain to me why Trump is allowed to promote/denounce canidates in congressional races? That seems like a giant conflict of interest.
You actually probably missed out on some unique quest events then. Some of the story quests get altered by side quests you do, and you can’t get this armor until you’re in the last acts of the game, since all of the keys are in story missions areas.
How does the math add up on this? If he as 35% approval ratings, and 87% of Republicans support him, it sure sounds like Republicans have way too much representation in our government.
Is he just allowed to shill for senators on twitter like that?
If that big ass assembly is both the barrel and a surpressor, I could see some use for this thing in portability, if you can remove the barrel easily.
Yeah, and those people ended up sucking at grand turismo too. It took me forever to realize how I had to balance part changes to keep the car working the way I wanted, while also keeping it in the class I was trying to race in.
Eggs Inc uses a smiliar mechanic, but it works better, because the prices for normal purchases tend to be way more than the piggy bank for the amount of golden eggs you receive. I actually found it much more fair than just buying money, because I get rewarded for playing more before I pay.
I’m not even sure if mass disliking something on netflix is going to do much, since the ratings you’re fed on films are based on ratings you’ve given on previous films, and the likes of people with similar tastes. So if you downvote a bunch of women lead films, all it’s going to do is make it so netflix doesn’t serve…
My problem ends up being the animations combined with the cutscenes we’re finally seeing, and all of the writing/acting just seeming... really bland? Little music, big empty conversations, I dunno. Even the bad lipsyncing in Horizon was relatively rare, and the interesting characters and conversations made up for…