Well, that’s a human issue then. Identity and appearance is important to many human beings. That applies to games too.
Well, that’s a human issue then. Identity and appearance is important to many human beings. That applies to games too.
Publishers consistantly act and talk like selling cosmetics is not a big deal, because they are unimportant, and don’t effect gameplay. I find that character customization IS important to me, so them talking like that, when they’re obviously making tons of money off said content, makes me feel like they’re taking…
That’d be nice if I didn’t find cosmetics important to the gameplay experience. But I do. And that’s my argument. I find cosmetics to be just as important as gameplay additions, and that selling them and treating like they are not short changes me as a consumer, and treats me like my opinion isn’t valid at all. That I…
I don’t spend money on cosmetics at all. I find they’re too important to give companies extra monies over, and I don’t like setting that example. I do not buy Overwatch boxes, and I never will.
I did not say I was marginalized by a character skin. I said I was marginaziled by an industry that treats cosmetics as a cash grab, and then says they are not “important”, or that selling them is better than selling gameplay.
I doubt I’m the one dominating the market, I do not buy said costume packs. I find them reprehensible, and would rather just pick up something like Saints Row, where there was dlc packs, but they at least added more than just clothing, like new expansions, vehicles, etc.
I don’t really care about the skin one way or another. It’s actually probably my favorite of the holiday ones. (<3 Mei).
I don’t buy boxes for Overwatch, so we can check that off your list.
I wasn’t really upset about the winter skin. Just offered a suggestion that would avoid the problem. I AM upset about how publishers treat cosmetics as a “non-essential” “safe” way of having F2p elements in their game.
The publishers constantly make a big deal about cosmetics being a “good” F2P mechanic, and how it does’t hurt the gameplay, so it’s not explotitative. Which is completely counter to how I feel about cosmetics.
I totally guessed Trump’s response to a negative review. What is this, a buzzfeed article title? XD
I’m going to say it right now. You might not give any real care about cosmetics, but for many of us, WE DO. They’re just as important as the gameplay, and to us, they are a part of the gameplay.
Well, seeing as I had no clue the skin had an alternate effect on her abilities, maybe they should advertise that more?
Well, just a quick look on wikipedia told me Obama has a harvard law degree as well, and worked as a community organizer and civil rights attorney after school. So, yeah. He did do actual work, helping actual people.
Man, I dunno. I really like the lighting in Doom 3. In the original PC version, it would cast full shadows. The BFG editions took that out, because the 360 and PS3 still don’t support that.
And even that can be subjective. I might be one of the few people on the planet who didn’t like Shadow of the Colossus, because of it’s technical problems. Well, that and bad mapping made me end up spending 30 minutes in a canyon, lost, instead of finding the first colossus. But even once I got to him (and yes, it was…
Also Half-Life 2. Same month as Halo 2. Good month. :P
Is this a parody article? I have never even heard of this game, and everyone I’ve known has always unofficially considered Master Chief the Xbox mascot.
Both of those projects were released for free, and self published. They wern’t on greenlight.
And what’s wrong with a little non-profit blatant copyright infringement?