
Cars feel like dubious protection at best. They’ll either snipe you through the window or blow it up. I’d rather just deposit almost instantly.

Try the atm. It’s a little bit faster.

Would you like to try some Triple Triad!? :O

Maybe I feel like that is cheating. :P

It’s still faster on the ATM interface. Try it. You’ll see. It aslo defaults to yes instead of no.

Been killed more dicking around with phone than driving.

The phone you have to use the shitty analog stick interface to deposit. You’re stuck there vurnable unable to see. Takes forever. ATM machines, you can use the D-Pad and do it in less than a second.

ATMs have a better and faster interface for depositing cash. If you’re trying to avoid people killing you while you’re depositing money, they’re a fast way to do it.

It’s funny, I was in an ATT shop with a friend and the credits for a marvel movie was going, and I was like “Captain America 1?” and it was actually just part of the first avenger movie’s long theme.

So long, and thanks for all the fish.

Guns are devices engineered to wound and kill people. Other things tend to not be.

I get why all of the drug hikes were important to talk about, but do we really need to give this guy free press every time he decides to say or do anything? Does he really deserve that attention at all? Seems like that’s all he wants.

Yep. Duke Nukem Forever was in dev for well, forever, and it still ended up being a rancid pile.

What are you talking about? The game has had a steady stream of content, and just released it’s last expansion. People are playing it right now. I’ve basically gone back to it every expansion, and played throught most of it? I can’t be the only person.

Are you kidding? I’ve been waiting for mods for fallout 4 since they announced them. This is a huge disappointment. F4 sold REALLY well.

Man, while they’re really neat, I’ve had a couple of these things end up behind me at night on the road, and they just kill visibility for cars ahead of them or on the other side of the street.. It’s like being chased by a ufo or something. Highly distracting and dangerous for other drivers.

Maaaaan, DNF. I recently played through the whole thing (I really, really, really, hate myself), and I agree with most of the complaints, not enough weapon slots (even the option for four instead of two really doesn’t help), bad level design (I could talk hours about DN3D’s spectacular level design) etc, etc.

That Adam Ruins Everything episode talked about that too. The whole reason they changed the sport back then, was beacuse there were so many injuries.

Golfers don’t get a competitive advantage from hitting spectators with golf balls.

The Vorti’s were enslaved by Nihilanth. He wasn’t so much a rebel leader as just the last of another dickish race that fought with the Combine for dominion.