
Right. Because Chess and Go are recent inventions.

At least to get to Arcadia, you can have both Nick and Longfellow in your party at the same time.

Wow, some of those camera changes might actually help people like my dad play games, who just can’t deal with dual stick moving and looking.

Fair enough, but the article makes it sound like the creation of the fox engine was what took MGSV so long to come out, when it already existed for Ground Zeroes and the PT demo.

Why? The fox engine was kind of incredible, compared to most of the third party stuff out there.

I don’t know why, but the title of the article made me think that Halo 5 didn’t have a forge mode yet. XD

Man, watching the doom guy walk through boring tutorial hallways, and the game already has way more story than I wanted or cared about.

It was linked in the video.

I don’t know if you’ve noticed this, but almost every Kirby game ends with him fighting some sort of lovecraftian space monster. That’s what Kirby is. He’s Popstar’s sleeping elder god. He wakes to protect his territory from other such creatures, and his hunger is ENDLESS.

What about this proves it’s alternate history? Where’s that coming from?

I really liked this film. It was alot of fun. The Ant-Man big scene alone, with the “HURR HURR HURR”ing was just...amazing.

Nathan Drake looks like a giraffe man in that picture. ._.

Hardline was kind of miserable. Bad Company 2 and BF4 are really good though. And tell me about satisfaction when Battlefield has bullet drop, and I manage to snipe a guy hiding behind a rock, because I knew the bullet would arc correctly at the distance I’m firing at.

What are you talking about? There was a MASSIVE change in how animations and combat worked between Bad Company 2 and Battlefield 3. It caused a major stir in the community too. Especially the supression system.

That actually makes me like Micheal Bay a little more.

I can tell you one they all share. All of the COD’s it seems. Black Commanding Officers pulling you off your ass, and throwing you back in the fight. XD

It just looks like more of the same. I mean, yeah, space fights. Great. Those were in a couple of the previous ones.

This is why Virtua Fighter is my favorite fighting series. The hitboxes are so clean that this can happen all the time, where moves will pass between the gaps of characters, and nothing will happen. Mmm. So good.

I feel like making the games easier is counter to the very world Dark Souls games are describing. They are games about immortals losing their humanity through strife and conflict, and to not actually feel that strife and conflict in the gameplay lessens the impact of the art as it were.

Exploding Golf Ball is in the ICA Safehouse. You can toss it like a grenade too, which got me an amusing kill against Francesca in her office.