I would pay a lot of money to see him direct a live action Star Wars movie...
I would pay a lot of money to see him direct a live action Star Wars movie...
Oh, fuck, I almost forgot about that. The best thing was the year I forgot to get the permission slip signed and I didn’t have to put that horrible bubblegum garbage in my mouth.
We had that too, except in these packets (like Kool-Aid) we were supposed to be able to spit them back into. They would gag me so I got my mom to waive it for me since I always got rave reviews from my dentist.
YES. I grew up in North Carolina and we had to Swish, but none of my friends here in DC had to do it. They were actually taken aback when I mentioned that in elementary school, we all had to use fluorodated mouthwash in a group environment (still weirds me out)
What WAS that? I had it as a kid, too, but it’s not something that’s been offered in any school I’ve taught in years later. I used to think it was maybe because we were in an area will well water (vs. florinated city system), but I’ve taught in well-water areas without the program!
I remember that! Yea, it was pretty strong tasting stuff. But there’s much worse.. like full dentures! And, the sticky pink adhesive to keep them in place so one can chew! Yup...the original issue teeth are the best, and if it’s needed, bring on the fluoride!
Rogue Squadron and Wraith Squadron
Corran Horn
Nomi Sunrider
You must have heard about that manuver he did at the battle of taanab.
Chewy did rub his balls on everything, ceiling included. Nobody says anything because they know he’ll rip their arms off for gettin lippy.
Please give us the Kessel Run. Pleeeeeease FUCKING GIVE IT TO MEEEE!
Hot damn Donald Glover looks great as Lando. I hope he gets his own movie.
Ok Solo. I’m interested. And Lando looks Lan-tastic!
I was going to burst if I didn’t get to the bathroom, so I was out before that came up. Probably for the best, as I was tearing up on and off the whole time.
Dammit I loved the X-Wing Series, and I wrote to Stackpole when I was a kid and first got email and he wrote back, so cool guy forever in my books.
I agree that he was the best writer, but I think Zahn was a decent heavy hitter, even if I thought some of his work was a little over stuffed. It seems that Stackpole was…
I guess Wedge Antilles was “major” enough to not include on this list.
I’m with you (though from the other side of the age spectrum). Goonies? Overrated. Princess Bride? Overrated. That Bueller movie? Overrated. MOST of the ‘80s? Overrated.
I’ll be watching for that moment when the boom mike dips into frame, now. It’s gonna happen.
This basically happened in the last run of his series if I remember correctly. Someone put together pieces if Deadpool to form another Deadpool.
Something that I often puzzled about with Deadpool: What is his core? Which part of him is the part that regenerates the rest of him? In the movie, he cuts off his hand and grows a new one, but his hand doesn’t grow a new Deadpool. If his head is chopped off, which part regrows? If his heart is removed, which part…
Kyle Katarn. Mara Jade. Garm Bel Iblis. Talon Karrde. Corran Horn. All the Knights of the Old Republic. *sniff* :-(