Who hasn’t yelled ‘pizza’s here’ over your shoulder because you don’t need that judgement from the delivery person that the large is just for you?!
Who hasn’t yelled ‘pizza’s here’ over your shoulder because you don’t need that judgement from the delivery person that the large is just for you?!
It’s fine, but it’s not kibbeh nayyah, which, along with homemade babaganoush and hummus and tabouli, is the food of my people... Michiganders.
I notice there are no tips from Atlanta as of 10:30 AM Eastern time. All the potential posters are likely still at least an hour from their offices.
General tip for the South:
I wanted to be a Claudia or Dawn but am pretty much a Mallory. I was shy and quiet but also knew that I would NEVER be able to get a cute boyfriend, so I couldn’t even be Mary Anne. I was nerdy ass Mallory with Dawn tendencies but not the pretty long hair.
It may also be because of how Simmons was acting, but it kinda feels like somehow, someway, she turned into a Chronicon.
Things I hope for in the final time-traveling season:
When Sarge mentioned what was inside him was something ‘demonic,’ I thought maybe somehow the Ghost Rider had been copied too. I was *ready* for GhostSarge.
Why would missing New York make you want to recreate the ambiance of Philly?
Avengers: Endgame.
I very, very, very much want to see Jay comment on Black Widow’s ass and get electrocuted by her “widow bite”. And he’ll like it.
A Magary is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he gets out of intensive care.
I’m sitting in the aisle seat; a man in an airline uniform is sleeping in the window seat; an empty space separates us. The flight attendant walks by, tosses a bag of chips and a Kit Kat bar onto the middle seat. “These are yours,” she says.
In college it once snowed two feet and classes were cancelled. I did what any respectable student would do and walked downtown to the bars. My friends and I stopped for fourth meal at the downtown late night taqueria where I got a burrito. I did then what I consider a real adult thing of cutting the burrito in half so…
I have defiantly eaten spoiled food after saying “nobody ever got sick from [obviously spoiled thing I am arguing with my wife about]” on many occasions.
Ants, live, a whole left over sodas' worth. I was about 13. So much shrieking and vomiting ensued. 100s of ants... And it was more the sensensation of the live ants desperately trying to climb out of my through and mouth that kept my gag reflex active for hours days weeks...
Once took a turkey meatloaf out of the freezer, then cooked it before it was done thawing. The interesting part was where the salmonella kicked in while I was doing a jigsaw puzzle. To this day I’m not sure how a puzzle piece ended up in the toilet. The likely answer is it got caught in my hair before I ran to the…
Check him for CTE. I’ve been suspicious for a while because it’s a popular sports disease that’s in all caps.
My husband was telling me that his gym classes would also work out to that, and this would have been in the late 80s/early 90s. So it had staying power.