
Hypothetical scenario time: You’re GM for a team like Milwaukee that isn’t ready to content for a championship yet, but is only a couple years away. Do you pick the senior out of college with good, not great, all around skills who can help you contend within the next year or two; or do you pick the freshman who

Marcus, that wasn’t Smart.

Quality content

You underestimate the power of social media.

The reviews can be valuable, sure, but no company will just accept harsh criticism without responding in some way.

Does a one time purchase of <$10 really equate to over 400,000 people actively avoiding something because someone told them so?

Someone is misspelling his name here.

Did you miss the part about the four different languages?

That’ll change soon at this pace.

The Concourse - Culture, food, perpetuation of Gawker.

enable passive mode

Think about the children, Nick.

bless u

what are you doing here? Other than edumacating...

It fits the bill.

Get over yourself

Let’s all take guesses on who he voted for.

Leave now

Sad, +1