
Sad to think that the tortilla wrap hadn’t penetrated to middle-’Murica when I went to college so many years ago.  The height of no-heat in room ‘cooking’ was the peanut butter cracker.

someone likely pointed out that dead children directly attributable to this policy before 2020 might hamper the dream of the 2nd term.

Please; I didn’t see anything in the article about meth or Tide pods. Barely a 2.5 on the Floridometer.

Nope, this is what a triggering event looks like.  Madam Guillotine is what class warfare looks like.

Evil thoughts, and prayers for this long national nightmare to end.

I refuse to believe that any member of that family has ‘feelings’ other than contempt and smugness.

I’ve been fighting the war against Mayo for over 50 years now.  I am not the first by any means.  Don’t let these elitist fools dishonor generations of heroes.  

It’s not that they can’t say it because they’re worried about proof coming out.  They can’t say it because that might offend their base.  Might imply that there is something wrong with speaking so, or some such politikally Korect B.S.

Refusing to come right out and lie about it could cost her her job.

Yea, so I voted today against the crook and in favor(?) of the Republican turncoat. I’m not happy about it. There were several other promising candidates early on; but one by one they backed out when these two gems starting flinging shit in every direction like the classy party foundation they represent.

Ultima IV; Jumpman; Questron; Impossible Mission; Zork...

Ultima IV; Jumpman; Questron; Impossible Mission; Zork...

Currently leaning towards Rowl; from Jim Butcher’s Cinder Spires.  One bad-ass kitty.

This one’s easy.  Look at the label; see the word “Wine”; judge it as being spoiled grape juice and put it back.

So what is the official female version for the label:  “Uncle Tom”?

The only issue I have with my Galaxy J3 is the GPS tends to wander when the phone has been on and active for over 6 hours straight.  Since that doesn’t happen very often, I’m well enough pleased for the $99 I spent.

So, McDonalds serves Mountain Dew now?

So when everyone got het up about chicken nuggets being made from ‘pink slime’ a while ago; they were way late to the show.

So, if I read this correctly, I shouldn’t be using Prego then?

As far as memory serves me, no iteration of the Xavier school has a single ramp; even though the owner is in a wheelchair.