
All I can see is XJS... but one in the image has lights on and moving... so it can’t be


Always the first thing to cross my mind.

how do all these idiots hold jobs that pay enough for a tesla?

(Note that this took place in England, so the left-hand side is the driver side.)

If only there was a good citizen with a van there to stop him.

True, it’s time for van control, and we also need to boycott Ryder which rents these deadly machines.

That’s amazing! Great work!

Yes, Alex should definitely travel from Southern California to Ohio to buy a Subaru Baja

yo dont promote automotive aids bruv

I don’t think driverless tech can account for the stupidity and unpredictability of man. Sounds like the woman unexpectedly walked into the street not at a crosswalk. Odds are she would have been killed by a human driver too.

they have identified the unidentified flying object, and yet they call it unidentified. i, for one, am ready for our alien overlords. i hope they have cake

Yeah but then you’d have a Corvette. Who wants that?!?!

Dude. They sell these on eBay all day long. They should have just outsourced.

There’s a little Al Gore invents the internet in Jerry’s story. That reminds me of at the library in the 1970s I asked the librarian for a book (which was lost), she called around and remarked to me “it would be great if our card catalogue was connected to other libraries”

Not really we can still make fun of people who buy flappy paddles and call them sissys

There’s a difference between going for the best track speeds and actually having fun daily driving.

As he concludes, it’s such a subjective question even at the best of times. I was fortunate enough to own both a madly-turbocharged car and a madly-supercharged car at the same time, and switching between the two was an exercise in both appreciating what the one had and the other didn’t, and missing what one didn’t

The hyperbolic character of his assessment leads me to wonder how long he’s been familiar with mechanical engineering

Brown paint.