A week ago:
A week ago:
Guys, the Diavel has been on sale for over a year now. And Ducati has been building non-performance-first bikes for a hell of a long time. The Monster? Multistrada? Hyperstrada? Streetfighter? And now: Scrambler....
Yeah, and punching the leader of a marathon in the back of the head should totally be allowed—but only for those who ‘race hard’. It’s all about the fans and sponsors, yo!
Laguna is awesome and shitty all at the same time. There is something spectacular about watching million dollar cars/bikes race there in what feels like (and what is) a campsite setting. COTA will never have that, nor will Indy or even Sonoma. But that’s also a big part of the problem. The racing is the ONLY thing you…
Can’t help but think of the awesomeness that would ensue if it rained heavily after all the cars were tidily parked in their quiet little spots.
At least there’s one part of the car that makes power.
This will be one of the arms of Tesla’s Terminator unit.
Google and Chrome are free. To continue to make some awesome (and some not-so-awesome) products, I get why they need to track users and sell info. But Microsoft profits from pirating your privacy on top of charging for the O/S. F that. But judging from the comments below, it appears most people are not only happy…
Only reason to put on driving gloves is if 1) you ride a bike or 2) have a spaghetti-thin steering wheel or 3) are an Asian woman in a Darth Vader mask who thinks being pale makes people think you’re rich.
Piece of black electrical tape works, too.
“Never” seems to be the answer to the questions, “When will VW/Audi produce a car with balanced F&R traction?”
Title of this video should be “Motorcycle racer caught on tape fucking himself on the track.” Cause that’s what this amounts to. He’ll have a long time to think about the errors of his ways while in jail. Very pleased it was recorded on closed circuit, otherwise this douche—like many others before him—would have…
There’s so much space between the lever and guard it’d be easy enough to slap the lever—especially from above.
This is tragic. All the memories, synapses and neurons in my brain associated with Porsche are associated with awesomeness: 935s spitting fire. 904s, 917s, 962s; Bergmeister vs. Magnussen at Laguna; my first (and last) drives in Porsches ranging from 914s to 911s (including a 2007.1 GT3 RS) to 944s and 928s; racing…
Theoretical question:
Torque = Amount of work an engine can do.
The 4C is an outstanding car for anyone who feels a Miata (or an Elise) is too masculine.
LMAO! I know the definition of a Scrambler is a bit vague, but c’mon. This isn’t even remotely a Scrambler. The guys at Ducati must be having a good laugh over this failed marketing attempt.
A Kickstarter campaign would end the debate on whether or not the IDx will sell in enough numbers to produce.