Running for president is stressful and makes a person susceptible to colds. Can’t wait until she is sworn into office and get some well needed rest. ;-)
Running for president is stressful and makes a person susceptible to colds. Can’t wait until she is sworn into office and get some well needed rest. ;-)
And what “type” is that?
I love her gravelly voice while talking and while her throat was ON FIRE. This is more proof that she will make a great president! HILL YES! We love you Hillary!
Since I was a kid I’ve wanted to see a President have an involuntary bodily function on stage. No joke. I always wondered how it was possible they never sneezed.
Abigail Adams to John Adams:
“He pushed the repeal of DADT through (thanks Clintons!)“
Not to detract from your general point, but this is a really bad understanding of the nature of presidencies. In 1992 Bill Clinton directly campaigned on totally ending the ban on gays in the military, along with a universal health care plan. When universal…
I would turn down that penis. Getting my cervix rammed into my spleen is not on my list of kinks.
Resignation, ignoring, dismissing, or sarcasm are the only coping mechanisms that work. I’ve decided to stop taking any of it personally or let anyone rile me up.
This comment embodies the reason we need to elect a prochoice woman president 20 years ago.
If Bernie doesn’t get how reproductive rights affect economic issues, that’s a big shortcoming to his understanding of economic issues.
No. Reproductive rights are fundamental to all women of child bearing years. If they do not have them, they are not free to participate fully in society as equal human beings. Much like voting rights effected African Americans, and because of the right wing, still do to a certain extent. These are fundamental human…
Or the Democratic Party considers abortion rights firmly settled law that doesn’t warrant further debate. You don’t see them bringing in other settled issues... “Senator Sanders, public schools have been integrated now for sixty years... Is that policy working, or should the Supreme Court revisit Brown v. Board of…
Hillary actually talked about the difference between them, though—while Bernie’s always voted pro-choice, Hillary says she’s been more actively involved in making pro-choice legislation and getting it passed.
It is a big deal and I really want it to happen. I think the reason Clinton’s not getting more play for it is the timing in the media cycle just sort of stole her thunder. The story turned into being about Sanders not getting Planned Parenthood’s endorsement and who Bernie thinks is “establishment” and then Bernie…
It hasn’t gotten more play because the main stream media is invested in demonizing her every chance they can get.
You’ve got to wonder if it would have been repealed already if Hillary were elected before.
I don’t agree. I feel like she’s been making sacrifices for him since the beginning to get him into the white house. She made some blunders (but also had some successes) and Frank was quick to scapegoat her, so she realized she was another person to use up. So she’s peaced out and ready to take him down, because he…
west wingy?!?! waddya mean?!?!!?! I don’t think it went really west wingy, because west wing is like the best thing ever, and this isn’t. Fun and watchable though.
Holy fuck the self-hatred/women’s body hatred in these comments is so real- can we finally get some basic sex ed everywhere so people can quit growing up thinking their entire anatomy is “gross” or “ick”?? PS you’re doing god’s work in these comments
Well, one thing adult people routinely put in their mouths and one people don’t. It’s pretty offensive to me to have vagina juice compared to shit.