
they didn’t dare him, they were giving him the benefit of the doubt.

he didn’t have a gun to his head dipshit, he was stupid and didn’t know a few sips could kill him. He wasn’t forced to do anything. Any normal person would have just turned themselves in bt he made a gamble, he drank some hoping he would live and get his payout but i didnt work. He was a stupid drug smuggler and died

how much alimony u getting?

i really hope not, 600 years ago Islam was seen as more progressive than Christianity but them there were reforms and attitudes changed in no small part towards enlightenment and renaissance thinkers. i hate how its a right wing point to say “WELL IF YOU SUPPORT LGBT ISSUES WHY DO YOU NOT HATE MUSLIMS??” well maybe if

fuck off

i love this image

The Bundy situation has nothing to do with this. You should do some research on the situation. It is unfortunate that some of his supporters are racist assholes but what they were protesting had nothing to do with racial issues.

Your probably right but my point was fascism is not Nazism, Nazism is socialism mixed with genocidal racism. Two bad thingsFascism is none of those things, it is authoritarianism and nationalism so only one bad thing, So technically fascism is only half as bad as nazism

You have no clue what fascism means.I’m tired of people using the words Nazi and fascist interchangeably. they aren’t the same thing at all. Fascism has nothing to do with race. If you research the ideology you’ll see that Fascism is diverse and not all fascists are the same. the only core tenants of Fascism are

I don’t think contraception should be free tbh