Does it bother anyone else that there’s a pattern of publicly-outed rapists who apologize and say they’re going to check themselves into rehab (like Berru in the article and I think Harvey Weinstein said it recently too)? Maybe I don’t know enough about rehab (like is there rehab for rapists where they just berate the…
The people on the fucking porch...
Yeah, that part stuck out to me as well. It’s important because it reinforces the idea that sexual assaults don’t occur in a vacuum. Whether it’s the child being molested by a parent while the other parent keeps everything hush-hush, or a circle of acquaintances who know “that dude is sketchy” or even (as in this…
That argument drives me up the god. Damn. Wall. I fucking know what these assholes think. They are the dominant group. Their views have been guiding the entire motherfucking planet for literally fucking centuries. Wanting to escape their views and live my life in peace, unencumbered by the prohibitions they have…
Because even if she’s an ax murderer, she’s still the kid’s mom and the kid will love her in some way no matter what? And if you tell your kid that mom sucks, the kid likely will worry that they 50% suck by being half mom. Kids are little sponges and even if that’s not how you mean it, it’s how they may internalize.
Nope. From the moment he offered his prayers and nothing more, Twitter users were asking why he wouldn’t open the church’s doors to people in need. His response was that the streets surrounding, as well as the church itself, was flooded. When people living in the area drove by the church and posted photos of a not…
Even if the building were completely flooded, what got peoples’ pants in a twist was Osteen was tweeting pablum about God while other faith leaders were trying to figure out how to help. Mosques and churches were participating in relief efforts. For example, on Sunday, when it was clear things were getting bad.
So you missed the part where Twitter coming for him FORCED him to open his doors? Or the part where he says himself that he wouldn’t open the church as a shelter until the other shelters were full... AFTER Twitter came for him for not being open? Did you miss how he had to admit that the church was NOT flooded,…
fuck all “megachurches” and start taxing the shit out of them, the fact that they remain exempt from taxes is complete bullshit, meanwhile this cowardly fuck is nestled up in his $10MM mansion....
This was another instance of everyone jumping on the Twitter bandwagon without knowing all the facts.
Basically, if I had to pick a megachurch pastor to be the end all be all “Opiate of the masses” while getting rich off of said masses, given the options, he wouldn’t be the worst one to choose.
I’m not sure what facts people were missing when they jumped on the twitter bandwagon. It seems that Osteen decided to take action after he started getting shamed on twitter, he even went as far as to block those calling him out and prayed this will go away. If this was something in the works for sometime then they…