
What makes you say he was self-loathing? Michael Jackson suffered from vitiligo and was very embarrassed, shy, and self-conscious about his appearance. Skim his words and actions during his life and you will quickly see that he was extremely proud of being black, loved black people, hated racism and prejudice in all

I’m sorry too

details pls...

I’m in my 30s. Looking back, I regret every dumb $ and minute wasted on preening myself. Wish I’d had someone to tell me that none of it is necessary. Women are naturally beautiful. Men should be grateful.

totally agree. I’m 35, and my generation and below seem to confuse cultivating followers and fame with duty and importance. Everyone knows that it is cool to be radical-leaning so there are social rewards and little risk for what these featured people are doing. I find it very shallow. Case in point: Petra Collins,

thought the same, but I thought it was a stock photo for something about to be making fun of people who look like stock people

and people smoked! now movies with smoking get automatically rated R

“I’ve also been dealing with some harassment from male members of the department, so I am absolutely dreading the maternity leave conversation.” << crazy how often I see comments like this, attesting to unacceptable burdens that women deal with as part of normal business. What is your field? I always had hopes for


these patterns drive me to fury
how did it come to be, when will it end?
: (

women roll their eyes at this kind of shit because we’ve been 13, 14, 15 and remember what it was like to be completely inexperienced with men and find oneself in the unprecedented situation of stopping a makeout session in its tracks. but these people on the outside view a girl’s somewhat-participation as indicative

would be fabulous if you could share some of those book titles/relevant exercises. brilliant, sharp brain here; behind a soft, gentle, small voice : (

I would love to hear more of your story - is there a way to contact me/you privately?

this story makes me very frustrated! perhaps an authoritarian, judgmental nurse is more detrimental to health than a cigarette in this instance. treat the human being, not the body.

I love smoking!!!! smokers have become so stigmatized but smokers are MY PEOPLE

biomedical professional judgment against smokers irks me to no end..... smoking is a pleasure and in moderation is no worse than any of the other gross shit that is up for consumption -voluntarily or not- in our culture.

“tonight I had one be able to take my underwear off at the end of the night and have it not look like I blew my nose in it”
<3 her

re: “low-level constant the background”
Me too. I try to remember sometimes what life was like when I was in my early 20s (10 yrs ago) and was less constantly aware of what women are up against. When I didn’t feel I had to maneuver in weird ways/stare men down to avoid the feeling of having my body parts

discovering mj changed my life
