
She will be posting to r/relationships one of these days, mark my words.

We use the term Cranston crawl weekly.

Good idea!

I was going to go with “Fuck off back to Breitbart” but you (and others) made the point more elegantly.

Goblin cum

Who will speak for the ketchup sandwiches?

Yes, and it is inaccurate AFAIK. Most black people I know sensibly eat mayonnaise, bulike all right thinking folks abhor Miracle Whip. Shudder. Gag. Accuse ypipo of eating Miracle Whip, because it is true and it is disgusting.

I will go ahead and just trust you on that one!

I have assembled a Pinterest board for visitors to D.C.. I am Anthrodiva on Pinterest, and go to the board DMV (for Delaware, Maryland, Virginia).

I did not connect these exact dots until your comment.

And the Smithsonian Museums are free! A truly amazing thing...

I would just like to say that Trump rescinded the plastic bottle ban in National Parks, and ripped out the bike share near the White House, so yeah, it is purposeful and rubbing our faces in it.

I kńow this will jinx it, but I read alll the comments, even pending, and didn’t see any obvious Trump supporters or trolls. I’m a little weirded out tbh.

Dick is abundant and of low quality....

Why are you with this guy? What does he bring to the table?

Stealing this forever

I think everyone who ever read the Toast would be on board

They have been here since the show started...

I’m a fan of that process, did something similar with my son.

Actually one of my oldest friends in the world is a German guy and he named his son Jason. Pronounced Yason. Of course our other German friends mock him for it, but there you are.