
Looking at Cupcakes and Cashmere I felt my IQ begin to drop precipitately. Thank you for reminding me that GOMI exists....

No, I’m the good parent. It’s his dad he threatens with a cheap nursing home on the reg.

Beautifully articulated !

Well I do the same with my skinny teenage son but in there is some balance in the universe

Jesus H Christ

In other words, she ‘Britta’d’ it...

His public indecency trench?

Good. Insert Grumpy Cat meme

Oh god I had forgotten about the long underwear *moans*

He was also 12th of 13, so the oversight might have been a little lax at that point. We have a family of eight kids next door, and the second to littlest goes by ‘Seven’.

My grandfather went by Joyce into his 70s believing his name to be Joyce Samuel, but it was really Samuel Joyce, which he only found out when getting his passport to go to Europe. According to my grandmother, it really shook him.

Asking for a friend

Hey man as one of those dopes in DC I beg to differ.

Your last sentence could just stop after democracy :)

Hear hear

I admired the perfection of your 1000 stars, which I have never before seen on Jez, and then ruined it by adding my own #sorrynotsorry

Why are you bringing Ds into this? I think the time for false equivalencies is past, it is what got us here.

Still that would be Bill assaulting the women. It’s amazing they haven’t accused her of raping Huma with a strap on. It shows there are limits, either to their duplicity or to their imaginations.

Cat skulls notwithstanding, still no allegations of sexual assault. :)

Um when the choice was Hillary? Even among the myriad conspiracy theories I don’t recall one where she sexually assaulted a woman. Nope, that excuse does not hold water.