
I wish I could find a flaw in your analysis...

I was so close to spelling his name close!

No INCLUDING a the fuck up at the end. TWIST! Take that M Night Shaymalan

Thank you, thankyouverymuch...

Is Rita Ora in this? Because I have no idea what this is...

Several people have pointed out to you that the person arrested is here legally.

And also idiotic of them to say. There is nothing to stop the apparatus of the state, once unleashed, from turning against anyone it wants. As Cardinal Richelieu wrote

And also idiotic of them to say. There is nothing to stop the apparatus of the state, once unleashed, from turning against anyone it wants. As Cardinal Richelieu wrote

I know you probably believe this in good faith. The problem is, once a state turns against the people inside its borders, it is like a cancer and it will NOT be starved of fuel. That means it will continue to identify foreign bodies, irrespective of the law. We see the Muslim travel ban targeting resident aliens with


Or lost job if you are in South Dakota

Seconding you. Thirty year olds forget they are twice as old as a 15 year old meme maker, and Damn Daniel, that’s old!

It will be white, we know that!

Best description to date!

Yes that was majorly uncool. We had quite the discussion about how that could have been handled better

I thought I was the only one!

I’ll be in my bunk...pinning Ralph Fiennes to my board of super hot age appropriate men. Thanks for the reminder! And feel free to check out my board - same username.

Like Jack in the Box Tacos, books just taste better after midnight.

Yes, though I haven’t used that feature. I have however, used the highlight and save to Evernote feature and it really comes in handy, especially for academics.

Yes, I was a reluctant convert several years ago, but the ability to feed my reading addiction no matter where I am? Priceless!