
Well, to be fair, lots of disciplines don’t do fieldwork. I’m not saying I approve, just that it is pretty normative. I went on a German Historical Institute tour of archives with 12 people doing dissertations on Germany (from a variety of disciplines) and only 2.5 of us had any fluency in the language. We were an

I am assuming this is meant as drollery.

Checks for sudden outbreak of a goatee....

Freaky Friday?

Yes! I did not see your comment so also just shared. WTF is going on? And can it please continue?

I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and suggest he was drunk....

Fun fact, Sandra Fluke has a job, she works with a friend of mine,,,,

Golf clap

Yep where safe I like to vote green to build the bench, but no, no no no no no....

You sir, have advanced this art form.


*charges you for coffee spat all over sheets*

Comment of the DAY

You did nothing wrong.

Not dead. In other news, who are these people? And, get off my lawn!

My husband used to keep a secret file titled HR nightmares...just in case...

Halloween here, in costume.

True, I once even heard (secondhand) that “some people are up with never getting promotions.” This in a think tank that exclusively hires people with post grad degrees....