
Did he make a lot in the last 15 months?

Yes, the Marie Celeste aspects are really striking.


Yes, I can see this.


Now that you point it out he does. Also, he’s aged into it....

What, I am just supposed to assume everyone named Bush is one of ‘those’ Bushes?

I lack your pride — it happened to me. I googled it.

Never been there, and now, never will. Thank you (heartfelt)

Which is why it was smart of her to include a pic from the gym webpage wherein women are shown wearing the exact same thing!

The last one was my favorite.

Yes, but what is up for debate is was she nine or fourteen,


So, I had a good friend who used to round up his age by five years, claimed it always garnered compliments like, “You look amazing for XX.”

I did not know about this, another reason I have to watch that show....

Rooo why are you in the greys?

My grandfather would have been her contemporary, and same thing, born on a farm in Iowa, saw cars arrive, jets to Europe, the Playboy Channel.....

That’s when they formed, and they were still relatively young teens.

Yeah, from Wikipedia: “Formed in 1990...Destiny’s Child” had first hit album 17 years ago people. She wasn’t four when they formed, and even if she were 18 when they dropped Bills,Bills,Bills, that makes her 35 now. Which, by rounding, is closer to 40. At a minimum.

Also, if only I had known that having uptight sex back in the day was as good a regular contraceptive, I could have saved some money and worry!