Every recipe I have made from her is easy, tasty, and something the whole family eats. Sign me up for your gang.
Every recipe I have made from her is easy, tasty, and something the whole family eats. Sign me up for your gang.
On the one hand I can't believe people stare. On the other hand, it is people, so sadly I do believe it.
Thanks, I wasn't planning leaving so much as anticipating being thrown out to pasture ;)
Who is Brooklyn Decker? I believe this is the third day in a row I have had to ask who someone is. I guess my time here at Gawker is coming to a close. Next up, Readers Digest....
I've only gotten back into watching football the last three or four seasons, so thanks!
I had a student who had an aunt married seven times, at which point her own mother threw up her hands and stopped coming to the weddings.
a TWICE divorced guy. I would call that an expert.
And this person seems, almost ALMOST, rational: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/02/bernie…
So, they don’t have to work too hard, this stuff writes itself. http://dailycaller.com/2016/04/19/ber…
All of what you said is also in this handy clip and save article! http://lansingcitypulse.com/article-12189-…
Honestly, it was awesome because I could let off some truth bombs about Bernie, get them off my chest, make myself feel better, my friend is happy to hear them, and no actual friends who are supporters of BS will ever ever see it. It felt subversive, and evil, and good.
I saw one where Bernie’s head turns into Lenin — apparently aimed at the Vampires among us?
Started running the attacks you mentioned in your post.
How has it been that long? Didn't she just get this gig? Nooooooooooooo!
Who is Michael Strahan? What happened to the other guy? Wait, what century is this? How long have I been asleep? *face melts off as I run away screaming*
Yes, I feel all covered in slime having to agree with something that came out of Cruz’s mouth hole. #brokenclocks
Smartest, pithiest thing I have seen in a long time.
He's not, I read he's already filed for his 2018 senate run as an independent.
They already have, I’ve seen the gifs.
Wait, we do?