
“Mostly unknown TV star” = semi employed television actress

Are you me?

You are a very good critical thinker and an eloquent writer — which is what makes it weird (and I think I speak for others on here) that you are using you obvious gifts to argue for such an untenable stance.

No, what I and everyone else on here are objecting to is the way you have written that the gentleman had HIS autonomy taken away. That’s it. Pretty much on every other point everyone agrees with much of what you have written. Give him his agency as well.

And at that point in coupledom, a social contract is enacted that if pregnancy results from the consensual disuse of a practical birh control method both parties are responsible.

You keep saying men Just have to trust that women are taking birth control. I keep mentioning condoms...


I would like to underline and bold your last sentence.

How would we know that they learned? More importantly, how would female tennis players who have to work with this guy be assured of equitable treatment under his aegis going forward?

Time for me to trot out my NYC celebrity story. 1985, I am 17 years old, enjoying the free cheap wine that came with our cheap Chinese food in the Village somewhere. In comes the owner of the Regal Beagle from Threes Company, and drunk me pretty much attacks the poor man, yelling, “You’re famous!” And sort of pawing

Can I pay in Bitcoin?

I agree with the substance abuse idea.

We all do, we’ve all been there, and most of us can thank our lucky stars we got out of the scrapes we got into, usually by sheer grace and luck. Sometimes, that combo fails you. If you were a complete idiot about things, then you can expect at best a qualified sympathy.


If you have to go to North Korea, why would you get drunk and party there, of all places?

I jumped in my seat and pointed and gibbered to the rest of my all male household. Who do watch and enjoy despite not actually being brainwashed...

Yep my son just started his course...mandatory for boys in DC.

We had a babysitter when my son was a baby who was able to feed him without losing a drop. My husband was all, “She’s a witch!” We are still FB friends today and she is about 90....

I have a friend with the delegation. He was all, “I have to go this reception with somebody called The Weekend?”