
My thoughts exactly

Chiming in to support your statement that American friendliness is often misinterpreted. I was once pleasant to a old Turkish grandpa in Hamburg and he immediately asked, “we go to hotel now?”

I think you are onto something, though I am not sure it is about race. I'm as white as snow and had EXACTLY your experience in my twenties, even marrying a German. American guys and I just didn't click. So while yes, there is a racial bias in the dating pool, I think you are describing two different phenomena that


I try and look clean and pulled together but it stops there. Everything I wear is black and stretchy or flowy like a plane ninja.

Yes, this. For several years their legs just poke right into other people’s seats, their little legs just don't bend at the right place!

I'm with you, anthropologist, humans do not squids me out, no body issues, no fear of confrontation....bring it.

Good lord how awful!

Agreed so gross

That is shocking. Of course, we just book middle and window, or middle and aisle, because we'd rather snuggle with each other than snuggle with strangers!

Does anyone remember that the popular vote does not determine the election? The electoral college does, and that is swing states like Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Ohio. Debates in New Hampshire and Brooklyn are completely irrelevant.

100 years from now your comment will be cited in a dissertation

And a cigarette

Me too

Now I finally understand why my son nurses a virulent hatred for them....

I believe those people like to refer to themselves as ‘wacky’

Excellent observation!

Welp I have nightmare grist for tonight....

You described my 15 year old son’s exact daily diet, down to the brown sugar pop tarts. He hates Chipotle though...

Yes, the word should have been wrongly in quotes to show opinion rather than erroneously in parenthesis which looks like a fact