I am the only person of female persuasion I know who has never watched as single ep. I will be over here with Z Nation, thank you....
I am the only person of female persuasion I know who has never watched as single ep. I will be over here with Z Nation, thank you....
For the win
Have you changed your mind on how she nailed the hair, Kara? It seems like, among a set of limited options, Dolezal still excelled. Will to power, man.
She is an actor and he was, pretty. She probably got a cute son out of it, though.
You should un-know them
I know a Cale...but he is my age (old)
Someone on Gawker posted the cue card, it was ridiculously small and weirdly organized....
Stars for everybody!
Never sit in the front of a Sourhwest flight, you will inevitably be involved in a fistfight....
Exactly, I think they both quote unquote pad times and are also finally giving proper estimates.
Yes, I was really struck by the incredibly random distribution of peppermint. Like, that was your hero chocolate? Do all of the others look worse? Is this on purpose?
Not a food blogger or a she, it’s from the fertile mind of Charles Phoenix and has been around for years.
And Pottery Barn. Convinced everyone they deserve some sort of baronial lifestyle. Look, I make a lot of money, comparatively, both myself and my household, and you know what my house looks like? A mix of IKEA and early grandma.
Kill kill kill
That would make me go back to Chili’s, which is otherwise unthinkable.
Omg yes! Or also known as Donald Ducking in our house!
Make me think he is in a hotel room, took off his pants to have a poop, and is now wandering around eating cold French fries and watching the Weather Channel, as you do....
I would have gone for the porn offer. Speaking of which, whatever happened to Octomom?
Illegal in 38 states.
It is the head tilt, I think, plus squint.